Bowls is a Draw game and a played with a lot of Patience.

Fort Beauséjour was taken possession by the English at 7:30 p.m. in the evening of 16 June, 1755 However, the British Flottia arrived almost two weeks earlier.
This french fort which is only a few miles from Moncton,where I lawn bowl, is an example of offensive Attack with patience. The British Fort Lawance which was only a few miles away was supplied with troops and slowly over two weeks the british moved to the hill overlooking the fort and patiencely went about winning the battle.
Sometimes we are confronted by a extremely strong opponent and the more we study their game play the less time we have to find that weakness which will give us an advantage and even allow a win. How do we play them ?
Offensive play is Go Go Go... Play hard and don"t let up.. But that does not mean to drop the defence of reading the head and keeping the lost to one or two points. Defensive play can still be offensive if we go slow with an attitude of Prevention.
I have heard said " The best Offensive is a good Defensive attack"
If your play is aggressive and being patience and making good shots with few errors, you are playing defensive. Of course, Beginning of the game and your strategy in the endgame must be different. Where in the first 4 or 6 ends you are reading the opponent and the green looking for advantages, you will reach a point about mid-game where it is necessary to go 100 percent offensive.
How can the best defensive move be to be offensive ?
When we commit our self and the games requires that we attack, we can also allow for the development of a defensive approach. I know this sound strange, but consider the idea. Attacking hard leave no leeway for error (offensive) even if you play the percentage (defensive) of work to control an approach to the jack (narrow greens, opponents choice, etc)
When we are going to play a team,or an individual, whom, we know is stronger or better and we want to win... Defensive play starts with the first bowl and trial-ends. Match bowls in the head is an defensive strategy although a better shot bowl is being offensive.
Often the bowls seem to always need another end to get that point. Know the ability of your players and don t waste bowls trying to draw the impossible. Yes, you might get lucky but also you might run out of ends to play. If we like thess british troop capturing Fort Beauséjour we work to advance and in our game are digging in, but still advancing (even by one point) it is consider as defensive / offensive strategy.
But they are also analysis the strength of the position and the weakness of the opponent.
Like wise when a decision come up to play a shot in Bowls, we are offensive because of the strength of the opponent or are we just continually working at our attack. We may be making our decisions on preventing damage if the delivery is not perfect.
If we are maintaining our own strong position and waiting for the opponent's mistake, are we defensive or offensive ?. One thing is sure. In the last bowls of the skip, it is his decision and he may turn offensive and attack strong to gain or keep the points.

Fort Beauséjour was taken possession by the English at 7:30 p.m. in the evening of 16 June, 1755 However, the British Flottia arrived almost two weeks earlier.
This french fort which is only a few miles from Moncton,where I lawn bowl, is an example of offensive Attack with patience. The British Fort Lawance which was only a few miles away was supplied with troops and slowly over two weeks the british moved to the hill overlooking the fort and patiencely went about winning the battle.
Sometimes we are confronted by a extremely strong opponent and the more we study their game play the less time we have to find that weakness which will give us an advantage and even allow a win. How do we play them ?
Offensive play is Go Go Go... Play hard and don"t let up.. But that does not mean to drop the defence of reading the head and keeping the lost to one or two points. Defensive play can still be offensive if we go slow with an attitude of Prevention.
I have heard said " The best Offensive is a good Defensive attack"
If your play is aggressive and being patience and making good shots with few errors, you are playing defensive. Of course, Beginning of the game and your strategy in the endgame must be different. Where in the first 4 or 6 ends you are reading the opponent and the green looking for advantages, you will reach a point about mid-game where it is necessary to go 100 percent offensive.
How can the best defensive move be to be offensive ?
When we commit our self and the games requires that we attack, we can also allow for the development of a defensive approach. I know this sound strange, but consider the idea. Attacking hard leave no leeway for error (offensive) even if you play the percentage (defensive) of work to control an approach to the jack (narrow greens, opponents choice, etc)
When we are going to play a team,or an individual, whom, we know is stronger or better and we want to win... Defensive play starts with the first bowl and trial-ends. Match bowls in the head is an defensive strategy although a better shot bowl is being offensive.

Like wise when a decision come up to play a shot in Bowls, we are offensive because of the strength of the opponent or are we just continually working at our attack. We may be making our decisions on preventing damage if the delivery is not perfect.
If we are maintaining our own strong position and waiting for the opponent's mistake, are we defensive or offensive ?. One thing is sure. In the last bowls of the skip, it is his decision and he may turn offensive and attack strong to gain or keep the points.