Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Lawn Bowls Pairs n Fours

What builds a "Good" Head ??  Who's Asking _ Skip or Lead (end) ??

The quick answer would be "A head that give points in the end" but this is not true unless there is a lot of thought into the strength and weakness of the opponent.

This interesting 12 bowls must have been dropped from a fly by aircraft.?? does not look like the jack has been moved and with the exception of the right 2 points and blocks there seems to be no pattern.  But still 4 bowls of 16 of pairs coming.   Photos shows Greens slow (short bowls and standing bowls) and pairs (2 players on other green)  INTERESTING

From the time the jack is thrown until the final skip bowl is rolled, there is always that part of bowls which resembles Chess.  What will be their move if we do this ?   Canadians and the sport Curling, which is our Bowls on Ice, often find skips doing a Time Out to discuss this very question.  Usually as the last stone (bowl in Curling) of each skip is thrown.

First part of the game is done off the green (or ice in Curling) in building the team and the expectation of each player in each position. Basically, the Front end, Lead in Pairs and First and Second in Fours) set a head type and the Back End (skip in Pairs and Third and Skip in fours) complete the attack (offensive) or Protection (Defensive). If the Skip is a "I'm the BOSS" type there is little but follow his requests.

Photo shows Fours (1st and 2nds in head) with 16 bowls rolled.  Strategy seems to be jack lenghth as the score card shows a gain of 4 points (to 7) Good game before that. 3points in 1st end then come back for 4-3 score. What made this run away in points.?? Even distribution does not suggest jack movement although if the skip and mate drew the three tight bowls oftheir 4 bowls they are quite the draw bowlesr.

However, if the two players of "Pairs" or four players of "Fours" are to work as a team they must each carry their share of the Load.  "What Load ?" The heavy load of preparing a good head for the Skip to come to the mat and develop or defend; and execution the final "Coupe de Grace" as final bowls are rolled and points collected. (or not collected by the opponents)

Strategy is often defined as " a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time" and  "the skill of making or carrying out plans to achieve a goal"  First, the plan is important.  So many game go on without a plan. When we step to the mat we have a Pre-delivery Routine, a prepared and perfected delivery and a Post-Delivery Analysis.  What wrong with the head being likewise prepared.

Pre-Head Building is a decision on the way the team will work together and probably discussed when the team is being build. Choosing the lead in Pairs or the 1st and 2nd in Fours is such a discussion. If we see the game of "fours" as two people playing the four bowls of the Lead in Pairs, we can also assume they will discuss their abilities to build the head and stop the opponent from getting a good head.  One player may be more offensive than the other and able to do a heavy takeout or tap-back. Both should be able to draw to the desired spot.  Note I did not say "jack" because building the head is not just bowls on the jack.

Given the responsibility to the "lead" of controlling the opponents and their ability to build a head is a decision made by the skip.  A good team will delegate responsibility and I will assume that the skip has given this responsibility to the lead, or in Bowls Fours the 1st and 2nd of that team.

Study your opponents and know their strength and weakness. The jack is always at their weakness of draw distance. If a strength is not to be bothered with a "in-the-eye block" then closer blocks must be executed.  Does the players have equal ability on Forehand and Backhand deliveries ?  What is the force balance of Leads (opponent and yours) and Skips ?  if the opponent is a strong "Runner" making skip then build the back and work at a balance head.

Study the Greens and Weather Conditions.  Can your team or the opponent handle both sides of the alley ? General rule is to take control of the clean and/or narrow side. Your bowl controlling that approach may be affected by the swing bias of the opponent bowls. Or maybe the skip draws around your front (controlling) bowl.

Weather is just as important.  Going up the green into a wind will change the players Natural distance as will the wind-in-the-back bowls. Dew will lift of the early morning green and when it does start it will be fast changing of the speed.  Rain or wet green will add slowness to your green.  All this is important because if you don t analysis it and try to put a jack bowl or a block bowl it will be something or somewhere else.   Your skip has not time to do this.. he should expect you to show him. and definitely tell him as you go up the green.

Building a good head is ABC Advantage, Back/balance and Cover. All three equally important. Advantage is not just having the point or two but also controlling the best approach to the jack. It can be an advantage to have a Catch Bowl where the "Toucher" bowl will send the jack. Back/Balance goes with two principles... Balance your head by matching the opponent bowls. and Back isto be  protected  against a jack roll. But most important the saying :"If you're down (in points) be Up" (in the back of the head) because the best development for points is bowls behind the jack.

First Bowl in the Triangle of the Jack  counting for point until the skips come to the mat. Second bowl Control the opponents bowls if first bowl  is a tight shot.  However, if you're down in points use the 1st bowl to control the opponent. The 2nd might be too late as it does no good to be out-bowled by the opponent's draw on the 1st bowl to the jack and then fight to get that point back.

Some skips will saythat of the first 4 bowls use 2 defensive and 2 offensive, and that is why the 2 different players in the Four is so interesting.  One fours player can be a good offensive player and draw tight while the other fours player can be defensive and  maie changes to the head or create a controlling bowl.

DO NOT expect that 1st bowl is a trial bowl and 2nd will be better or 3rd will be better than 2nd.  Every bowl counts and the worst thing to hear a opponent skip say to their lead is "Free Bowl" meaning the last opponent's bowl changed nothing you are free to do what you feel is most important.

When the skip comes to the mat they should have at least the point and a good balance head with expectation that the opponent skip can do nothing but draw tight.  I, as skip enjoy out-bowling my opponent skip with tap-back or guards (blocks) as they waste their bowls.

Always as lead know that if your bowls are in the final count at the end of play you have done your proper job.  Anyone can be shot at 2 feet only to find the skip draw a tighter shot. (like the photo above where it appears the three tight bowls may have been a skip)

Oh yes.. "C" for Cover or close Score in the ABCs is "Don t be caught with your pants down.. Cover your Ass or your Skips") Sometimes we are so occupied that we get a surprise of 4 or 6 points.  Once at a major competition I said to my lead "Put one over here ... the jack is going there" the opponents tried to move the jack off the toucher point and were left at 11 o'clock when I  hit the toucher from the opposite side and moved the jack 3 feet to collected 7 points.    Another good rule...|Don't listen to the opponent...maybe there is not that much truth in what they say." Or maybe there is ???

STATS Study.
  Sometime we wish we could have more detail Statistics of the Readers.
Strange Three days same 21 blogs ??
In today's Stats study I see three days of readers reading 21 blogs. I get a small list of most read blogs but for three individuals to read only 21 (not 19 or 22) on 3 different days means something was passed to others of the blog readers group.  I am happy to see new countries like the USSR and know I am doing something to promote bowls in countries not active on the world scene.Usually the common reading countries are the English (british Colonies) Countries like USA Australia, South Africia etc.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Clubs worth saving at any cost

No matter how many members  a club has or how few volunteers, The sport and facilities are the work of many.  Over the years, before WE ( You , I , the reader) came, someone did what we are doing to keep the club alive.
  No one can take total credit. Everyone can be to blamed if the club closes or fails.   Your Sport of Lawn Bowls is to day great because of a lot of great people over the years in many countries. flags left are countries with World Bowls

.   "Get involved, Save your Club"  was the intended pitch.  But as I type  I  realize that I am proud of what we did and look back at our nearly lost club as a " Before and After"  About 10 years ago I told myself that over the past 40 or so years I have build many sport  clubs as an executive or volunteer.  Now, retired, it was time to play the sport and relax. But when you love your sport and can't stand to watch it die; you must do what you can even if years and strength is not there..  Anyway, we did it.. Saved our Club,  and you should think about your clubs future.

Coaches give a bit of history when they introduce new members to the sport so they appreciate the years that the sport has survived.  the Santa Anita Bowling Green Club of Arcadia, California writes
"Sculptured vases and ancient plaques show the game being played some four thousand years ago, and archaeologists have uncovered biased stone bowls from 5,000 B.C. which indicate our ancestors enjoyed the game of bowling more than seven thousand years ago.

Our Club of Bowls (Manchester LBC) on the Pediacodic River in New Brunswick is a small club. But I would like to think our efforts as new members  and those of older members and our Club President has saved the greens and facilities by their  hard work and time.

A few years ago, in the neighbouring town of Shediac the club lost their greens to the municipality. When the facilities and cares of the Lawn Bowls Clubs is the total expense and responsibility of municipality's workers. a lot of decisions on the life of Lawn Bowls is made behind closed doors.  No member should be so unconcerned to allow these decisions to be made without club support..

An earlier blog about the closure of several Welsh LBC clubs attempted to warn readers that the responsibility of the sport and their club belongs to them.  Our membership fee is $40 Can with New members at $25.  Show me a club, anywhere where you have greens and Bowls available for 5 months for so little.
Old Club house 2013

When we began working to save the club and greens we discovered that the land was being wanted by Ice Sports of Hockey, Figure Skating, Broom ball, and others to build a new Arena.  The selling point was the lack of participation of the public in Bowls as to the need for public skating and ice sports. Of course it didn t help with the recent international news. Canada was receiving Gold medals in Women's Hockey, Mens Hockey and then PanAm Games were coming to Canada Bowls is such a small sport next to these..

We began by working on the club as volunteers, cutting the expense and maintenance of the Municipal workers.  We lobbied for the municipality togive us the old Tourist Bureau which was abandon and unused.  It was a 60 ft trailer with no kitchen but visitors facilities and washrooms.

Moving the building and its new installation as our clubhouse also meant the removal of the old clubhouse. For the Recreational and Parks employees this  was a big job and expense and if not for the few dedicated  members and Club Executives efforts,  the municipality would not have agreed to such an expense. For the past two years there has been continual work indoors and out making the Lawn Bowls Club a recognized and respected sport.
New Clubhouse 2015
Just last month, the neighbouring municipality had a " Dieppe 55Plus Sport and Recreational Week" and we saw Lawn Bowls introduced as a Senior Sport.  and we introduced How to Play Courses to prepare the 24 participants who many thought that lawn Bowls was a backyard kids game.  Of these new introduced to the sports individuals the club membership almost doubled.  (not hard to do when only 12 members in 2012 and remember there are always lost members every year)

last weekend a large food store was having a gathering and  accepted an introduction to Bowls as their summer picnic activity for members.  This bring out some people who would never have tried Bowls. Last year we also saw a similar employee (membership) Saturday gathering as 40 tried the sport.  I am sure that the municipality politician who once said "Lawn Bowls..What's that?" now speak highly of the success of the Recreational Staff and Lawn Bowls members in this club.

What does this mean to you.   Once the facilities go.. then so does the sport.  YES, we pay our membership and so should just be allowed to Bowl but being a club member is more than just going and do the sport.  Volunteer work or maintenance is for everyone and not as we often hear "that is for others."  NOT so.. when the year is over yes it is nice to talk about the great competitions, but also it is great to bath in the glory of a club  increased members or it near death recovery and new life and members.

Blog stats sometime can be interesting to watch...

Blog Stats July 29th
With 92 blogs and none of them are short, I see from the chart on the left that some new bowler took the time to read all 92.. probably did a quick read or decided it was not what he wanted... but they view all 92 blogs  Thank you for your interest and time.. One day I will start to make the blogs shorter.

Interesting that this reader probably came from USSR as the next day the reader map showed the volume coming from there.  Do we introduce the sport to others with our blogs ?
same blog two days later

Above I posted all the flags of Lawn Bowls Countries. I am doubtful if Russia is a member but the sport starts with a few interested players and maybe a bit of information on the net.  Lawn Bowls is Bocci (a different game) to Italians and Petanque (metal Balls) to France. But the similar game in Canada is Curling which is played on Ice and the delivery of the stone is the same movement as Bowls Delivery.