Sunday, March 27, 2016

Unrealistic Skip Expectation

,For the summer Months of 2016 I will do short blogs on various aspects of the information from website coaching notes of great coaches like, the Australian Coach Lachlan Tighe  Canadian National Coach,Dr. John Aveline or e-book writer, Rob Judson which I wrote of is in a Blog of April 2014 and since has been made available for Download from ONTHENET.CON.AU
Website of Lachlan Tighe

Mr. Tighe, recently retired, was Coach Columist for Hensilite Bowls. Various notes and coaching instructions can still be found on his website of
    Recently he wrote. " Last week, January 2016, my mate Mac, who is relatively new to bowls, shared with me his utter frustration at a (silly old) skip in his home town in NSW demanding all leads he plays with to perform the deliverry" Such and Such.

  I understand this sort of conversation by a skip. is simply telling a new lead  "I  want my leads to put the bowl 2 inches in front of the jack"

The column (list) continues  with "Demanding all leads he plays with to perform the delivery that has the 2% success rate of ACKOWLEDGED bowlers,  What an idiot  !!!"
 His column or note continues to show statistics of the last four years which acknowledges his percentage of success.
     The point which Mr. Tighe is making is that a skip which demands too precise a performance and is only satisfied with his lead's performance when it happens has a very low percentage of success.

     Leads' performance depends upon the communication of the skip.  Better Skip communication will result in better Lead Performance.
Coach Tighe\s Four Years Data

   When sitting having a brew, (coffee, beer or wine) after the game it may be part of the discussion as to which bowl is the best first bowl for a lead to deliver.  This is where I believe the above leads comment (in Mr. Tighe writing) was heard.  Often we hear things off the green which we take to the green as expectation.  I can not find anywhere on the green where the above conversation would occur.   Maybe Mac's skip is one of those skips who puts his foot at a position on the green and expects the bowl to stop there.  The expectation of that bowl arriving at that point is 2% to 4%.

   "I like it in the Pocket" has been said in our group.  This refers to the small triangle behind the jack which has it apex at the jack and the two bottom points at about 6 to 8 inches behind the jack in the direction of the incoming forehand or backhand.

This is an expectation with some leeway for a lead's acceptable delivery, because it covers an area of about 6 inches behind the jack and 4 or 5 inches left or right of that position. However, in a writing  and data collected by Lachlan Tighe (ln his website article) suggest a Mat Length (ML) expectation has a success rate of 37%. All this information and Tactics are available on various pages of Coach Tighe, and any interested bowler can spend hours reviewing this great information.
List of Lessons available

  Yes, in a previous blog, or two, I have suggested that the lead can/should evaluate the performance of the opponents and have some freedom on building the head with the Lead Bowls. But, of course, this liberty is given by the skip as a team effort.  When a team plays together for years, the lead knows what the skip expects and attempts to perform accordingly. Acceptance by the skip and the lead is more successful if some tolerances of error is included.  A mat length is quite a bit. (24 inches long and 18 inches wide) but on a fast green, this extra distance will allow for the bowl to roll a bit.  In Canada where greens speeds can be near 10 or 12 seconds the bowl seems to stop very quickly.

" On a bowling green, speed is expressed in seconds. The number of  seconds for a bowl to roll 90 feet from its point of deliverance to where it comes to a rest is defined as its speed. A speed of 12 seconds is acceptable but for competitions bowlers require much faster greens. It requires greater skill and expertise to bowl on a fast green. " Sports Turf News Letter (Dec 7 1993)

A Canadian bowler who was instructed by Coach Tighe, when he was in Canada as a consultant,  just today tweeted the following

"Good tournament in Hong Kong-Finish 1 of 66 teams bronze medal at the end. Play on 16 and 9 seconds green"Challenge"; which indicates how much green speeds can vary. (Rain, Different Greens of Club, sunny or early morning.)

So a skip expectation of a lead must also vary with Green speeds. Good Communication both to and from the skip means a Winning game with satisfaction.


Friday, March 25, 2016

Greens keeper Gift

The previous article on Gordon Wittereen, a Golf Course Greens Specialist had me looking closely at the   Turf and Recreation Magazine which is promoted as the only Canadian "  Turf and Ground Maintenance "
Magazine Heading
 Magazine. Probably also the major a
uthority on Greens Maintenance in Canada. As I looked through the articles, I felt that if more bowlers and clubs executives knew a bit more about the helpful information in this magazine then someone on the club executives just might order it for their greens maintenance staff.

 Although most of the information on  Golf "Turf maintenance" would apply to Lawn Bowls Greens; I was interested to  find if there was any direct mention of "Lawn Bowling Greens".  Hopefully even an article. !!,  It appeared that a lot of Canadian Golf Clubs probably subscribe for the most recent news about  Greens care  products.

A photo tweeted which breaks my heart

Certainly there are articles which touch all of the problems encountered by Green maintenance personnel.. An example is an article on Turf Academy which discuss problems with "Take-all patch", "Dollar spot", and "Aanthracnose" an even something as strange as the important of adequate air movement on good (putting) greens."

The first search  result was about the important of using a fertilizer that is allowing a proper distribution of nutrient for the lower HOC (height of cut) greens and suggesting the important when  applying nutrient sources and one can read a colour response ( nitrogen, iron and magnesium). To an area with a lower height of cut (e.g. golf course greens, tees and lawn bowling greens) it is necessary to use wisely the fertilizer."  Yes that was the one reference to my Google search words "Lawn Bowling Greens".

 As a competitive Lawn Bowler, this article about green nutrient was not really important in my game, but it open our eyes to the professionalism of our green keepers and the Club volunteers and  made me want to look a bit further into the topic.

The magazine has a very good structure for item of interest searchs, and you should attempt to use exact words for the best results; which would certainly help your club or greens keeper find almost anything about their task of Greens keep. However, a warning.  A little knowledge does not make the reader an expert. Respect the professionalism of your club greens keeper and with proper questions they will always be willing to explain their views.

Interesting are articles such as  the one on Ontario Turfgrass Research on DNA  , where the studies toward dandelion weed suppression by modified natural controls was important; and how almost $40,000 was raised by golf tournaments through canadian clubs for this research.

The second search of the magazine had a result with more important (and helpful) to us Canadian bowlers because it referred to lawn bowling clubs which have had more above seasonal temperatures and those warmer nights ( 
probably a "Climate Change" impact ) and the effect these  temperature change have had on the greens (grass growth). 
Did you know grass breath ??  YES !!! " The warmer weather contributed to turf conditions that were a little out of the ordinary." write Mike Higgens of Turf and Recreation magazine .

While doing a tours of four Ontario golf courses, Dr. Joe Vargas, of Michigan State University explains "the hotter-than-normal nighttime temperatures posed challenges to ( golf} turf. He said it caused the plants to continue to respire at a high rate which led to the plant burning up stored carbohydrates. The plants essentially can only photosynthesized a few hours each morning, producing the products they needed to survive. However, during the remainder of the day and  throughout the night, carbohydrates were being burned up through respiration".

Interesting..   Point being made.. a Magazine with interesting information, which the club should buy for it Greens maintenance personnel. A small cost to an already expense budget of Greens Maintenance.

I was surprise to discovered the important of morning dew being removed as a preventive measure for dollar spots..   Here, a little information can go a long way... maybe  clubs with this magazine in the greens keepers library, will gather enough interest from club members in helping with greens maintenance to lead them becoming volunteers .

This article also go on to explain a more important  Canadian Lawn bowlers issue, that of   Ban on cosmetic pesticide  by government and the use of fertilizers as per local bylaws.

This article reads.

"It wasn’t just golf superintendents who faced challenges this year. The keepers of lawn bowling greens, especially at smaller, remotely-located clubs, are finding it increasingly difficult to come up with the necessary funds to keep their playing surfaces in tiptop shape".

"In Ontario, lawn bowling greens have been granted exemption status under the provincial cosmetic pesticide ban which still allows them to use conventional pesticide control products on their playing surfaces. The problem, however, is that the greens must be sprayed by licensed applicators who also have become fully accredited in integrated pest management".

"Green keepers at lawn bowling clubs are very often a "Club Member" (who look after the greens’ upkeep on a voluntary basis); and iIt was one thing for these individuals to acquire their applicator licenses, but the add-on requirement of IPM accreditation has made it cost-prohibitive for many smaller clubs."

"This forces these clubs to hire the services of an accredited applicator from a neighbouring golf course or a private contractor, but a number of geographically-isolated lawn bowling clubs must look far beyond their communities to find the qualified personnel. Paying them to make the journey to these remote regions becomes an additional cost, and one which is threatening the bottom line of these clubs."

Update (2/30/2016)

  "Following e-mail contact with Turf & Recreation editor Mike Jiggens, I was advised that any Lawn Bowling club executive or Green Keeper wishing a complimentary copy of the magazine can have it mailed by simply requesting on club letterhead or from club e-mail.  Supply your  Club's or Greens keeper Postal address and Code  and a copy would be mailed.

Although, a Canadian Magazine, I am sure the information is of interest to greens keepers throughout the world. and a subscription is less than a single membership fee.   I also understand that in an attempt to reach out to Lawn bowling Clubs and their greens maintenance personnel, Mr. Jiggens is attempting to add a Lawn bowls Column in the future.

Update (6/7/2024)  Some aspects of this Publication may not still be available.

Canadian Greens Maintance Expert

My blogs attempt to supply you the Lawn Bowls junkie with Internet location of information which may be difficult to locate. Recently a question crossed my e-mail of "What is a good Green's Speed ?".  Don't look far and you find different opinions based upon the country which you visit.
Golf Hall of Fame Greens Gordon Witteveen

Greens Maintenance and Care is another difficult subject to find information for free.  Publication are available and even joining a e-mail site but with the exception of going to Golf Course Maintenance there is not a lot that I have found.  I tell my students and new bowlers that Lawn Bowls Greens are more closer cut and maintenance at a level of perfection higher than Golf putting or Course Greens.

"The all-important consideration in lawn bowling is the 'pace of the green', or its speed. On a bowling green, speed is expressed in seconds. The number of seconds for a bowl to roll 90 feet from its point of deliverance to where it comes to a rest is defined as its speed. A speed of 12 seconds is acceptable but for competitions bowlers require much faster greens. It requires greater skill and expertise to bowl on a fast green." was written by Gordon Witteveen in December 7th 1993 Sport Turf Newsletter.   As always another great gem of publication stored away in the library Archives (
Twitter Screen Capture of Youtube video

On December 6th 2010, Canada lost one of its Greatest Green Maintenance Experts when Gordon Witteveen died at age 76, in Newmarket Ontario. Gordon Cornelis Witteveen ,immigrated to Canada at age 20, from the Netherlands and studied at the Ontario Agricultural Collage to become one of Canada's Horticulture specialists. 

His books serve as textbooks at many Horticulture Schools and although he wrote little about Lawn Bowls Greens his lectures and conferences on Greens Maintenance drew may   of the best Canadian Greens keepers. (Of which we don't have  a lot) I know that our Canadian Bowls Association had published a Greens Maintenance Manual  in the late 20th century; but I now must research if Mr. Witteveen was a contributor or consultant.

We don t follow or allow sufficient respect and acknowledgement to our Lawn Bowls green keepers and as they retire often it is just a club party and a hand shake with a honorary membership. An interesting Article in the Golf Turf and Recreation Magazine by Mike Jiggens shines some light on this man who gave his live and love to great green care.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Great Coach's Data & Facts

On the Internet a lot of information and Coaching (or Blogging) information can be found. As I looked back through the Canadian Coaches of the past years, I find  a Coach Consultant which was engaged in 2012   by Canada's National Bowls Organization, and even has his own Coaching Consultant website. In searching some of the material from his web site, I find data and percentage statistics from four years of evaluating the performances by leads and skips. Example is the Feb 22th notes of the "Expectations of Lead" and data from 4 years which show detail demands on leads have only an expectation of shots success of less than 5 percent, however for demands of results within a mat length of the placement, there is a 38 percent success rate.

Coach Lachlan Tighe

 Lachlan Tighe, from Australia, was engaged by Bowls Canada and later Bowls Ontario in 2011 and 2012  as consultant and today we can find some of his literature on  the Vancouver & District Bowls Association web page under Coaching Tidbits.

Having his own web page at and still writing coaching ideas such as his recent (March 21st) his notes on  " Dealing With Doubt In Bowls" . Until recently , when he retired, Lachlan was a contributing column writer for Henselite bowls webpage.  These  three sites have  a lot of  good coaching  information from this great teacher.

Beside the publication in the photo (right) there is also video material in the form of DVD which can be ordered. 

We that are always learning and reading everything on Bowls that we can find,  can't express enough, our  appreciation to such information and coaching advice. It is one thing to have an opinion on success, but Lachlan has collected data from his many teaching sessions, to prove his statistics.  Worth the look.

Another source has been an e-book written by Rob Judson, an Australian coach.  In a February 2003 e-book  SCRIBD publication " of Lawn Bowl Coaching "  written about in the April 2014 blog "Good SCRIBD e-book on Coaching ".

World Bowls 2016  is finished and those  who had the pleasure of viewing the Streaming Bowls during these last two days have seen great Bowls and bowlers. and Bowls Australia  had this streaming
to about every country where Lawn Bowls is played, (8,000 viewers, I heard said) and with the exception of several minutes of technical problems; the High Definition was exceptional.  Thank you.

Now we move onto the World Junior Championships in Broadbeach Australia on April 9th to April 15th. I hope we see more bowls online.
 This competition, World Junior Championships, will feature  Singles and Mixed Pairs events for Lawn bowl athletes  between 18 and 25. The next great Online Bowls Adventure

Monday, March 21, 2016

World Bowls Game 2

As I sit to type a small note on this the second finals Game of the World Bowls 2016 which was streaming in HD I wonder who would want my take on this game. "Well", I tell myself, "You have a unique perspective with your experience". Where Lawn bowlers hear the advice that "Bowls is Draw Draw" , I  see with the first  final  between the  29-year-old Malaysia Siti Zalina Ahmad and the 20 year old Canadian Precilla Westlake that the game can also be "Control Control" game.

These two World Bowls 2016 Semi-finals games were two completely different styles of Lawn Bowls finals.  The young women finals reflect a wide head with control of forehand / backhand and the Mens Finals show two multi -title players from countries with extreme Indoors Bowls developments; showing how tight heads can be when one draws continually to the jack.
The men's view, when coming to the mat, was "I can draw that" even when the shot was within inches or a small tap-it-off-the-jack shot.

With the laptop computer being USB cabled to the 30" TV and the  great coach of Steve Glasson as game commentator (  with Jack Heverin ) this HD Streaming of the World Bowls 2016 game between New Zealand's Hannon Mcilroy and Ireland's Andrew Kyle is a thrill worth the wait of being up at such an early hour of the morning. (after 1am March 22)

First, of the womens' semi-final, we have a difference of experience. We have the 2015 defending champion, Siti Zalina, getting a direct invitation to the games; while the Canadian bowler Pricilla  with only four years of bowls experience qualifies to respresent her country and live he joy of experiencing her first view of the international scene.

  Do a Google search.  Zalina has over 30,000 finds and even a entry on Wikipedia while Pricilla has only a few ( her FB and Canadian Bowls) The ladies' lawn bowls' skills are evenly matched, as seen by the score which was often tied ( 4-4 in forth end and/or 6-6 in sixth) as they took each their turn at collecting 2 points if they had last bowl.

In the Men's Semi-Final, the game, the quickness and the type of play was a repeat of the British Potter Indoor Bowls championship style. Here, in the first set,  Andrew Kyle was to find the green's speed faster than the New Zealander. Immediately, and with 8-0 after 2 ends, worked to control the jack distance  .  In the first set of ends, the Ireland bowler used the mat placement over Hannon  Mcilroy to made it a runaway in the first game and then  a recovery 2nd game by Mcilroy.  The tie breaker in both games were tight and down to the last bowl as both ladies and men were performing at their prime.

The game between the men was a bowls game of experience and ability for a straight draws, although we did see Mcilroy using his very deadly Drive on a couple of occasions to regain control of the head.  The important of controlling the distance was seen with Ireland's Kyle as brought he up the mat which defined his distance of short jacks with the respotting.  Of course when the distance was changed, the first bowl  of each was long or short as they located the proper  draw. 

The ladies match showed where the Two-time Commonwealth Single Title Holder, Siti Zalina  has a different view of Lawn Bowls.  I would guess she has watch the French game of Petanque in Malaysia or has  a coach or fellow players with knowledge of the game.  (Malaysia is also strong in the International arena of Petanque)

  Zalina's first bowl controlled the head, usually a frontal bowl on the forehand side.  However, Precilla was just as deadly on the backhand.  Most ends of the ladies game ended with the possession of the last bowl collecting two points.  (In petanque the pointing close to the jack (cochon) is important, but more important is a overall view of the game and planning for big points ends by controlling the game and approach)

A different view of bowls

World Bowls 2016 Schedule

World Bowls 2016 has finally arrived at its last days and the countries and players who will gather in he next two days to roll for that honor of  Champion are all members of our heroes.  We wish them well and great games.

These games will be on the Internet in streaming for these two days.  However, the times at home are sometimes hard to calculate so I have done a small chart.  (hope it is correct)
As a Canadian Bowler I am proud of our Pricilla Westlake
who has come so far in only 7 years. Our Youth is our Sport Facebook page has posted the schedule of the finals which will be on the Internet and I have attempted to do a conversion of Australia time to your (or my ) local time.  Hope it was helpful

Countries which be playing in Semi and Finals

At one time while surfing I came across a site which has all the photos of all the World Bowls 2016 bowlers from all the countries.. If I relocate it I will do another blog to list them.

During the last four years (March 2012 - today) I have written a blog on bowls which has covered everything form Debits on Wet Greens (March 2012) to this blog on the posted schedule of the World Bowls 2016 Finals.
  My love of Lawn Bowls and the knowledge that each of us can be better if we applied and can find that knowledge which may not be easier available; has been my raison for blogging.
  Sometimes the ideas were to make you think and question what you know; other times they were the tricks I have found over the years.
Blog Stats for March 21, 2016

  Because, sometimes it is rather difficult to find things on the Internet, or I have been discourage to have missed the opportunity to watch good streaming bowls games; I felt the need was there for the blog. Blogs listed in stats are
- Video Viewing as Exercise 5/5
- Bowls 1906 Ocean Liner Game
- Seeing the Shot. Visualization
- Measuring Which Bowl is Shot?
- Three Subconscious mind Exercises

 Some of my blogs have been very long and how (of if you did read it all) one could have read it all was surprising.  So with the start of my own Lawn Bowls season here in Canada, and my years (now 71) I will be doing very short to the points blogs. And less frequency. I will still try to answer readers with questions as best I can or try to find the answer in other places on the Internet.

  If in any of my blogs your picture was used or comments on your bowls performance suggested, I thank you for that privilege which I took  and apology given. If like my self you are happy to see the improvements of knowledge in Lawn Bowls, these blogs has supplied to the new players; I thank you and  we know if we each do our part promoting our sport, it has a great future.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Video Viewing as Exercise 5/5

Today, in mid March most of the snow is gone but the greens here in Eastern Canada are still snow burned and yellow.  As usual,  I visited the club this week to get an idea how long it will be  before opening day.  And of course, I will start exercise and bowl roll exercise next week. I have a university running track where I will roll on an artificial surface to develop balance and rhythm of my delivery.

What has all this got to do with " Bowl Video Viewing"??  After the long  winter months (our off season in Canada), we should look for  a source of Mental Exercise  in preparation for the Bowls season.  There is physical exercise which we should be getting as we get ready for our opening of the Bowls season,( especially if age is catching up to your joints)
and a valuable spring and  mental exercise is to take time to watch  online Video or Streaming Bowls and study various aspects of the game.
World Bowls 2016 (
This next few days the World Bowls 2016 is underway and I am advised that Bowls Australia will be streaming the Last few games of play on 
When we are watching a local competition we are usually interested in the teams and are just watching the roll of the bowl and "Did it make shot?". But there is more mental development that can be given on watching Videos of Bowls. Because you can rewind the Video and watch ends over and over you can work mental Bowls Exercises. We in Canada are proud of our World Bowls finalist Pricilla Westlake who will be playing in these Streaming games.  Photo right was build to help others find the time at home for viewing these games.  Hope they eventually end up on YouTube.  Livestreaming or Bowls Australia Warilla Bowls  for viewing

As a lead we usually do not have much responsibility except to place good shots on the jack. But as you become more of a competition "Lead", your skip and teammates may demand more analysis and study of the bowls, during your idle time between your last bowl and the last bowl of the skip and the end of that end of play.

"Does the opponent "Lead " prefer Forehand or Backhand ?" " Does the opponents roll their bowls up the green Forehand and return Backhand to use the same side of the green ?"  "Why? " Can you remember after the 2nd end of play, as the bowls return to the same directions as the first end; Can you remember which distance the jack was or if the opponents were using a side of the green more in that first end.  There are a lot of questions you can ask as you watch the video.  And if you expected to study strategy you may want to rewind the video to see how the lead preformed the last time they bowls this direction of the greens.

Was watching the Indoor Scottish World Bowls when I heard the commentator say about the bowler " He performed well on the previous two occasions when he played that direction". I also remember a game where the opponent skip said to me " Your team collects points going toward the clubhouse and we collect them back going away in the opposite direction".  You can also  see this in the score board pattern of zeros as teams mark their ends. You will be surprise how often as a left-handed bowler, I discover that the skips did not know to see if the bowler on the mat was left or right-handed. Or, maybe we all as a lead or mate think that that sort of information it is the responsibility of the skip.
Bowling Style of Lead and Skips
In the photos to left of leads (left side) and Skips (right side) is there a longer step for the leads. Was the shorter step a heavy bowl  or just a different in style. (Remember some coaches suggest that to add a little just do a longer step) In the first ends both leads had trouble getting to the jack and bowls were in front. (these screen captures were taken then)

Lawn Bowls is made even more interesting by the fact we go two directions (up and down) during play on our green. But this change in direction causes us to forgot what we did the last time we played that direction.  "Why ?" Do we get so involved in our delivery routine we forgot to learn from our previous bowls or ends of play. If a lead in placing the mat is expected to verify that his team has a good "receiving area" for their delivery, do they watch how their team mate delivery their bowls. (Receiving area is that part of the green where the bowl is laid lightly in starting it roll.  And best  results come from an area without debits or damaged to the green. (moving the mat a foot may be the different in winning or losing a game. Never give your skip a bad "Receiving Area" when you place the mat.) During this one video The 2015 Hong Kong International Classic Women's Pairs, we see Karen Murphy go out to repair a Receiving Area on several occasions.  This change in Mat routine, does it change her performance.  Out of rhythm ?
The streaming of World Bowls Games (left photo) by but requires FireFox or Google to watch.

An interesting point and question.  If your team has just won the points and the jack, you have probably chosen a jack distance which is to your teams' advantage. By watching video you can go back and ask this question.  If the distance of the jack chosen was the same, was it a good "Against the Opponents" jack distance, or was it "Your team Best" jack Distance.?  If your skips' decision was right then when your team lost the end with the opponents making points, "Why?" 

In the old days when the end winning skip could decide to give away the mat or keep it, we used the rule of "If the opponent are throwing the jack to our distance, then give them the mat and Jack." This give two advantages.   The jack at the desired distance and the last bowl to draw or clean up with a runner.

Mental Exercises for you as skip, second or lead during watching Videos.
   1 - Know your opponents.  With video You are watching two teams.. Some time during a game of play I find watching one team is hard enough.  See the percentage of Forehand/Backhand  See the precision leads or skip have on opposite hand delivery. (most bowlers have a different natural (relax) delivery distance for Forehand and Backhand).  See the choice of green.  Do they use the same side.. thus going and coming with bowls up and back on the same side.

 2 - Develop ability to remember to look and see.  Is the bowlers all right-hand bowlers and all using Forehands.  Is the Bowlers using left or right or center of the mat?  Does the Bowler re position on the mat to find a good Delivery Receiving Spot ? (the area of the green in front of mat which receives the bowl on first contact)

3 -  Develop ability to remember several ends of information.  If one considers that a game has three section of play.. Fore-game to know opponents and green, Mid-Game to build point spread and know strategy is right, and End-game (all are now at perfection of skill) keep the advantage, recapture or find opportunities to get a big counting end.

Watch videos you can remember the jack distance and how the teams did at those distances.  You can expand your ability to remember direction of play information in 2, 4, 6 ends. (remember 6 ends of direction play is 12 ends of play in two directions)

I can look at a photo of 8 bowls and remember where each teams bowls are located by thinking of a clock. "10 - 2 o'lock" are frontal bowls while "12 - 6 o'clock" means players are having problems getting bowls speed as line is good..(center line) but different distances.  Now apply this to a balance of the head.  "Back is Balance" (I see their 2 bowls and my one bowl)

How do you as mate or skip remember the bowls in the head as you leave for the mat to bowl ? I just use a trick of seeing the head as a Clock and develop a mental habit to look and gather a "Clock Picture" of the head. Using this with a Balance (study) of the opponents/ Our Bowls I remember.
Bowls in Clock pattern 12-6 o'clock
In a previous Video viewing analysis blog "Bowls Video Viewing 2/5" there was a "9 - 12 o'clock" gathering of all bowls in the 2nd end of play.  I suggested the frontal bowls and to the left were a small hill or "Green Pimple". So also the above 12 - 6 o'clock gathering would suggest the question "Back wind, Fore Wind ??"  These view of bowls and your ability to see hem as memories of information we develop only  with practice and with video viewing you can work at it and even if need be.. you can rewind the video and see what you missed.  Others may only be seeing the bowl which became shot and not the pattern which may be important next time you bowl this direction.
Imagine knowing a skip throws a great runner but only throws "Forehand Runners"  One lead bowl at 11:30 is enough to stop runners or force to use Backhand which is not as accurate. And if the lead throws a little heavy, while placing a frontal bowl,  it is a nice toucher or shot bowl.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bowls Video Viewing 4/5

Last month the 11th Asian Lawn Bowls Championships and the 9th
11th Asian Lawn Bowls Championship

Asian U25 Singles Championship was held in the small Asian country of Brunei Darussalam north of Malaysia (and Australia).

This series of Blogs which I now write, is about the  2015 Hong Kong International Classic Women's Pairs,  Between  Australia  and the Hong Kong Youth Team finals.
  While enjoying and comment on the Youtube Video, it is only  right to recognize the players and the development of Lawn Bowls in their home Country.  This final between the  Australian Woman's Pair of Karen Murphy (Skip) / Kristina Krstic , the Hong Kong Youth Team of  Vivian Yip (Skip) / Amy Choi, would best be considered a "Samson and Goliath" match.

I know I should research the facts for this blog about the numbers of Lawn Bowlers in Australia or the number of League and competitions these players participate.  But I think it would only prove the fact that the Best Lawn Bowlers come from Australia.  Hell, one of our best Canadian Lawn Bowlers (yes I am Canadian) Ryan Bester spends most of his non-Canadian bowling in Australia.  I gather too, that his great ability and bowling, rubs off onto our Canadian team and Lawn Bowls Organization.
11th Asian Lawn Bowls  and 9th U25 in Brunei

However,  Vivian Yip of the Hong Kong Youth Team who is participating in this video, later trained and left to represent Hong Kong at Brunei  in the 9th  Asian U25 Singles Championships. And if you look hard you might find her in the opening photo. If, like myself, you had to look at the map to find Brunei, you almost have to look just as hard to find the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association bowlers in this photo.

With 11 countries participating in this 11th Asian Championship it has become a popular gathering for the best of the region.  In 2015 it was held in Hong Kong and I would not be surprise, like in Canada, when a major competition arrives in a country the level of development and interest in the sport is increased.
This weeks Bowls Video Stats

One of the countries, involved in this Asian Championship was India and looking at my blog stats I am surprise to find it sharing volume of readership with US, Australia and South Africa.  Why ? Lawn Bowls in India, what do you know of it ?

We see also in these stats the recent peaks of viewer over the last week. This is probably because I have on my twitter @springhiler some of the best lawn bowlers followers.  (I only accept Lawn Bowls clubs and individuals as followers). This week while doing research these blogs and information on the Hong Kong Youth team, all I could find of the 11th Asian Championship was photos on a
3 million Rs for silver ??

non-English Facebook Page of สถานเอกอัครราชทูต ณ บันดาร์เสรีเบกาวัน   (I could not even find the game result on World Bowls , even 1 month after the competition has finished.)  Why ??  Not important enough??
Only found one news video of this championship. (Note..Malware detected)  Well Vivian Yip and Amy Choi of the Hong Kong Youth Team has caught some eyes and so has some of the other participants  rom the Hong Kong region.

In India, the following news story appeared after the championships about a Delhi Physical Education Teacher (Ms Pinki) received publication and will  probably gets a second scholarship (Rs. 3,000,000) from the Delhi Gov't for silver and bronze performance.

Concerning the writing of these 5 blogs I receive various tweets like the one today from the  Welsh VI (Visual Impaired) Bowls @welshVIbowls.  I have followers who when they  retweet the link of the blog with  their comments only increase the visibility of both the blog and lawn bowls news..

I have not found it easily to write and analysis these videos.  Who am I to analysis these greats ?? And I hope no one was offended, but if these blogs happen to plants a seed of thought or an idea into the minds of readers who may not be champions yet ( YET ??) then I feel I have done something to promote our sport.

  There are blogs which I don t know are read or tried.  But when I see examples of the ideas being used;  like one on a new method of visual measure of which bowl is shot,(at a National champion a skip or mate attempting to use the trick); I am with tears in eyes.   This month we have the World Bowls and the U25 Champions underway.. I hope we continue to find video and online streaming.

We, as  bowlers, should all share what we find on news or video of Bowls play... Because there is not a lot on the internet, and sometime small countries like Brunei get lost.  Example is the photo right where Japan attempts to open a bowls area in what looks like a shooting range for rifles and archery.  Let all do our part to push the visibility of bowls.  (International and local)
When I was young learning photography I had a mentor and teacher who said "Share what you know and learn so your influence is your legacy"

Your contribution to Lawn Bowls and Visually Impaired Bowls can only improve and develop the sport by you becoming involved. YES, it  counts.

At this moment on my Twitter as I write
 I follow a lot of clubs and sport networks on twitter  and as I just went to my twitter I find this tweet (which I retweeted, from HoneybadgerBowls or Mary Ann Beath an active US female bowler. @maryannbeath   Another champion, who participated at the Potter Indoor World Bowls and whom can be found on YouTube with the other 45 Videos of this championship.
This blog was easy.. but you read to this point.. so you are interest in seeing Lawn Bowls Grow.. Do your part for those whom will follow and be our champions  local, national or abroad.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Bowls Video Viewing 3/5

Valuable / Dangerous Bowls - What are they ? The 2015 Hong Kong International Classic Women's Pairs, YouTube bowls Video has interesting valuable (or dangerous) bowls  in the first 2 ends of play.

A September 2014 blog suggested that looking up the green the bowls scattered
around the jack could be like looking at a Chess-board.  Various bowls have more value than others.  The idea of the blog was to suggest a frontal bowl on the narrow green approach side can be valuable.  No, not a guard which usually are a few meters out front, but frontal or in the front of the house. (the house is usually regarded as those bowls with in a foot or two of the jack.)

The blog suggested that "if the lead if given the liberty by the skip, to read and build the head to the advantage of his team and create the necessary defensive (obstruction) of the opponent; there are only a few possible combination of bowls possible in the head."  This idea of a team lead having a responsibility to evaluate the opponents' needs and build a defense as the strategy of play has seen advantages in the beginning phase of the game.  During the first 4 ends of play the skip is studying the opponents but more the skip and the strategy or defense needed.  At the same time the lead can be give a study responsibility to study the forehand and backhand of the opponents and their preferences and weakness.
When the pressure is on to draw to the jack, every bowls player has his preference of delivery.  It might change if bowls are so placed that his confidence in success is lessen because of the green's abnormalities.
In this blog I will attempt to show bowls of extreme value (or danger) which should be identified by the lead going to the head and acting as mate or instructions to the skip.  (I assume the skip has seen these bowls and may or may not have communicated them to their partner)

In the above photo, with the jack at the feet,  there is plenty of room to draw to the jack on the backhand (right hander's) but the bowl standing in front  is called "Queen" Bowl because if it is lightly tapped it will roll along it axis to the jack. In the following blog we will see the lead place such a bowl and of course the opponent skip with her last bowl taps it to the jack for an extra point.

In the first end of play of te 2015 Hong Kong International Classic Women's Pairs, YouTube bowls Video the head at the time of the last skip bowl to be delivered.
1st End of Play Last Skip Bowls
 Looking at the head there are interesting things in this the first end of play.  All four bowls of Kong Youth Team in the head are standing straight up ( two behind jack, one in front, and one to the side (3 o'clock). The most dangerous is the frontal as it will run on the line or axis. ( this frontal "standing bowl " is extremely dangerous for this).

The blueish bowl to the top right (1 o'clock) belong to Karen Murphy the lead and if hit on the right side will run toward the jack (line of axis)  The bowl arriving (under the chin of the lead, Amy Choi) is the HKYT's skip (Vivian Yip) last bowl.  At this  stage of play the two bowls behind the jack are the shot bowls.  If this approaching bowl raises either of the two bowls in front they will be send into  the head.  If the bowl of Karen Murphy is hit on the left side it will fall over or be pushed to the right of the head,
Raised Australian Bowl now 2nd

The screenshot f the bowls show that the Australian frontal bowl was raised into the head (3 o'clock) and now 2nd shot.  Australia is on the mat and this right side has what might be considered a open side to draw to the jack. Reading the play of the green all bowls were played backhand (right to left) and the frontal bowls to the left indicates a fall of the green on route to the jack (1st End).   Because one can figure these bowlers can draw to the jack 9 of 10 times, so if backhands run left maybe the green could be to blame. Last bowl of  the  HKYT skip, also a backhand and it came across early and raised the Australian bowl.
Looking down the green the Australian skip Karen Murphy see clearly that Kristina wants her to come in that opening to the right. But also it is clear that the front of the jack bowl (HKYT) is standing and will run to the jack (dangerous if opponent, Valuable if your).
We can almost hear Kristina saying (her hand movement shown) "Don t touch !!" as the last skip bowl comes into the head and is going to strike the HKYT lead frontal bowl.  A standing bowl which needs so very little force to send it directly to the jack. Of course, that is what happen.  Final Bowl Arrangement (left photo)

The topic is Valuable Bowls. I am sure the Hong Kong team saw this as a value bowl (a Queen in the game of Bowls)  It was place there by the lead Amy Choi and remained there until the end of the game.  Australia only lost two points but I would read three things from the play of this green.  

1 - All bowls were played backhand (right to left approach) and the bowls which ran extremely left also stopped short.
2 - A small pimple.. (hill of no noticeable ability) appears near the mat.  Why near the mat? (if this was nearer to the jack the bowls would keep line but stop short on the opposite side)  Correction is to bring out the mat and move this part of the green from the line of delivery) Because, such a pimple of raise has also slowed the bowls as they ran up the front side and off to the right side of it.
3 - If everyone has tried it and no-one has done it... don t think you are a better bowler and attempt it where others have not.

What to do?  Do You have "Walking the Mat" in your Toolbox of Bowls Tricks.  What..?? these are champions  who don t need tricks.  Well, us regular bowlers don t get perfect greens and when we find a "Big Pimple" we "Walk the mat".  

These little rises in the green which cause the bowl to lose distance and fall to the left or right as it comes of the small rise can be avoided by moving your stance on the mat.  The mat is 18 inches (Canadian measure) wide and your foot is 6 inches wide..  You have a 3 footprints wide mat and so can "Walk the mat" left and right.  Such a small difference on your delivery line will make little effect in the head but with a small hill within meters of your bowl touching the green, can make a big difference. 

Secondly,  If any of these four bowlers were left-handed bowler this greens difficulty would be of no effect as their delivery point and line would be a body width further to the left of the mat.  (Sometime we must realize how much advantage the left handed player has on certain greens.  If I was lead (and I am left handed) I would note this jack distance and the mat placement and place it such.. (if the skip permitted me that liberty) as the advantage to our team of the lead bowls being in the head is greater for a left handed bowler.

Now that you see what has been learned by that first end of play, imagine now each time that the two teams go to place the mat at that end.. Will they move the mat to avoid that area of green ?  Will we see tricks of Walking the mat ? Will there be a change from backhand delivery and how well will each team adapt.  Was the frontal bowl of HKYT accidental or is there a liberty of developing the head from the lead position?  Shows with just a little study on the part of the first end it can make viewing the game a completely new experience.  Better than watching and who got what shot.