Two interesting Lawn Bowls SM (Social Media) messages came to
my attention over the Easter Weekend. First, on Twitter, Bowls Canada was
attempting to have Lawn Bowler followers to contact Regina city council and ask them to not
close the Regina Lawn Bowls Club. Secondly, I received a FB (Facebook)
message under Blind Lawn Bowls asking for assistance which I will address in the next blog "Becoming a Blind Bowls Assistance".
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Tweet for Help against Closing Club |
Yes, Twitter is a communication device but as a National Organization I feel that a better job could have been done by Bowls Canada Boulingrin. Not to critize the hard work of a few but the request to communicate with the Regina City Council is only available to Regina residence or Regina Lawn Bowls Members.
Maybe a petition of Canadian Bowlers would have been better to address the concern of twitter followers, of which @BCBBowls has 620 and certainly more with the retweets but then again there was so much support. Of the 620 Followers only 8 retweeted the article and 2 retweeted the request to contact the City Council.
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Link given is for Regina Residences |
Really.. Does no one care if the club is closed. I would like to know just how many members are registered with Bowls Canada Boulingrin and why such a small support for a club closing.
Several years ago, Twitter followers saw the Welsh Lawn
Bowls Association being concerned about Clubs being closed because of Muncipil Council decisions that the cost of
the sport and the number of citizens involved in the sport was not sufficient
to justify their continual support.
Around August 2015, I blogged about my New Brunswick Club Manchester LBC in Moncton NB; which was being suggested closed to make place for another Hockey Arena and a few (about 5 members) worked for two years to rebuild the clubhouse and the club. Last I heard the membership was still less than 20 and fees were $40.
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Leaving photo large to impress on reader the nice green |
At that time I posted photos on twitter and warned my twitter followers that all lawn bowlers had to be aware of this danger by their city (or town) following the Welsh muncipalities efforts to cut cost. . Today, Bowls Canada, the Canadian Lawn Bowls National association is asking players to contact the city of Regina about their muncipal decision to close its local club. In another blog " The "Value of your Bowls Club " at the end of April 2013 I quoted Bowls Canada as saying "
Bowls Canada on promotion writes "How Can We Grow Our Club By working together as a club to make people feel welcome. Encourage outside entrance and ask yourself would you feel comfortable if you came in on the street to play Bowls for the first time?"
Bowls Canada on promotion writes "How Can We Grow Our Club By working together as a club to make people feel welcome. Encourage outside entrance and ask yourself would you feel comfortable if you came in on the street to play Bowls for the first time?"
Without cirtizing Bowls Canada, our
National Canadian Lawn Bowls governing body, we must look to the top for leadership. I as a Social member
participant and have a Twitter account of 174 lawn bowl clubs or players
followers and I attempt to keep up on news of over 820 Lawn Bowls sites. I can tweet all I want about
clubs closing or a muncipial decision to charge and poste photos of clubs turned into parking lots; but it is because I believe someone is listening. It got so bad that a muncipality actually began charging joggers for the right to run in
their park.
Unless you the reader, and your national or
state organization get involved and develop programs to build clubs, nothing will change.
Two aspects of a lazy society exist. Let someone else try that new idea and we will get involved if they are successful and why fix or change what seems to be working ok for now. Maybe it is now too late for the National lawn bowls association "Bowls Canada" to put together a petition but it is not too late to act. Start something in 2013 (4 years ago) when I posted the blog on club closing and maybe today that action would be a tree bearing fruit in Regina
Two aspects of a lazy society exist. Let someone else try that new idea and we will get involved if they are successful and why fix or change what seems to be working ok for now. Maybe it is now too late for the National lawn bowls association "Bowls Canada" to put together a petition but it is not too late to act. Start something in 2013 (4 years ago) when I posted the blog on club closing and maybe today that action would be a tree bearing fruit in Regina