most of my Blogs are intended to offer athlete or competitive bowlers a new
insights, it appears that the last ones on "Coaches Burnout" may not have been of concern to an
athlete. But if there is no club or the club has no coaches, who will be there to develop the members and athletes ?.
Sidney LBC Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
Blog Featured Club |
spring, and probably this spring also, we found many International and National Organizations
talking about local municipalities throughout the world, which are reducing their
financial support to their lawn bowling clubs.
If your club, and mine, is to survive it must be less dependent upon
these boardroom decisions and more financially self sustaining.
Featuring Sidney LBC Vanc'ver Is. BC. |
your club executives are important, but where many social lawn bowling club
failed, is we see decisions to try to keep older members with changes like social activities. Why are we not concern with the lack of increased new members ? The new members are needed from year to year, and if we do not fight to keep those "not
returning "and "new type" of members,we will see our club on the list of a municipal activity which is not receiving funding this next season. A good free publication on saving your club is“Manifesto for a Successful Bowling Club” from
John Quinn john@bowls-central.co.uk
.As individuals move from
one sport to another,they need instructions and an ambassador who will suggest and encourage that Lawn Bowls as their new sport. A good source of instruction is written manuals for coaches. One such e-book available for free is by
Gold Coast Director
Judson, an Australian coach. In a February 2003 e-book SCRIBD publication " of Lawn
Bowl Coaching " which is free reading on the site of suggest similar opinions. With over
133 pages of great Lawn Bowls coaching
and teaching , this is one of the few great Lawn Bowls e-books on the net. Of course you will have to register with SCRIBD but it is free and a great investment.
about club coaching Ron writes " To
offset the decline in membership, clubs tend to offer inducements to
potential members. A common inducements
is free coaching ". And also "
a program of beginner instruction is typically a handful of sessions, each
about an hour ". He finishes off
his book introduction with " in
Lawn Bowls this is typically the point at which coaching finishes for ever
" .
Page 16 photo of Lawn Bowling Coaching |
Too often the beginner is not
develop into a competitive bowler or receives extra instructions. WHY ??? These new members are the future of your Club. Don.t be satisfied with your club executive decision to teach only enough to get members onto the green.
An example of Ron's Great E-book at SCRIBD is (page 64 of 133)
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