Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Bowls, Blogs, We are Now

Five years ago I started Blogging about Bowls. Today I see a stats of single readers
 and must accept my responsibility to continue and write a blog. 
Oct 6th (today) Stats
 No Blog writers are not known for consistence writing. But then again, when I had a computer (just got my first laptop last month) or have a good Internet connection.  Blogs from the Public Library do not have picture adding ability so then to a Online Shop at $15 hrs to add the photos. but all is worth  it when last month I passed a 10,000 page read point (10,780 with approx. 250 p/r per month.)
Reader's Volume Drop
 But also I must ask, " Why so few bloggers about Bowls.  I think best reference to a reader who regularly writes comments and asks questions.  There is always a fear or feeling that the public will think that if you are writing then u know what you are saying.  No.. Not the case.  Like a teacher, the thought is giving you something to JUDGE.  I am sure a lot told friends that my subconscious blogs was "Poopie Cock" or BS.  But the discussed was started and now it is part of bowls and maybe even some  readers tried the Subconscious exercises.  Good.

First, You could be writing here.. it is open to new authorships. Or better yet, get online and create a blog; but the regulars which created the spikes ofreading only one blog in the first photo have been those who coming back,  off and on for the last 5 years.  Do you have something to say  there is a comment section and I open this blog to your ideas if  you may have a sincere passion about bowls.

 Pride that what drives one to write about what he has to say and its value exceeds that clubhouse attitude of not saying too much unless you are tagged "a Know it ALL" When watching the Canadian National Championship Streaming Gold Medal Game, I saw a mate use my method of "Which Bowl is shot"  Tears came to my eyes.  But also, I realized that my blog was not clear because he was trying it without clearly understanding it.  ( I am looking to make a video to better explain it)

Partial List of the 93 Blogs
Sometimes it is the topic.  In late 2012 I was blogging a lot about the subsconscious and the ability of bowlers to let their subconscious have control. In two weeks (12/13 to 12/27) blogs were written which today still top the reading list.  My Christmas gift of "Subconscious Mind Exercises" have almost 2000 reads. No not necessary lawn Bowls readers but a topic which can be applied to Lawn Bowls.  And is applied when one watches some of the best bowlers closely.

If interest is the author name "Ishi & Love" which blogger.com in the earlier days changed to "Ishi &amp: Love".
 Never bothered to correct it because it reflects my lack of "Know it all" then and Now.   But the story of ISHI, the last Real North Americian Native is why I took his Name and Love for author of my blog.. "ISHI" in his language was "I am Man" because his culture did not speak of their name and certainly not after death.  So starting an new blog.. Ishi & Love. The story of the California Native "ISHI" is scathered throught the internet.

The following is the first blog I wrote and of course never published because of not good enough.but says what I though of the Internet many years ago.. Today Youtube video on Gender Equality and Social Bullying  and Shaming. example the video of Ted's Talk on the tweet that destroyed the life of Justin Sacco "How one tweet can ruin your life.  This following text written 5 years ago is my similar expression of what the internet would become.

"Ishi, the last indian, walked along a fence line seeking food. Today, His face is the public face of  Occupy, his skin tone is Tweeter, his starved haunted weak steps are the downcast of international caste system; as he walks the field of Facebook and scans the horizan of Livestreaming  wearing only a torn Dlvrit.  Today, SNnid is born where SN is social Network and nid is "n" of nerd, nobody,niceity, the "i" of internet, inter, I (myself) and "d" is done, dead or don't.  Which is the lightness and care we take with this new tool. Maybe Nid is Nobody's Individuality. Like Tron shooting through circuit path on a chased, we , wheather poor, homeless, rich, career idealist, are all one together a new birth of individual. I stand shoulder with @springh and @fibirl as newborns
This world will be made, broken, moulded, fused concatinated with our accolade ignominy from a keyboard, touchpad, routed rssm.
You and I, so alike, so different stand and support the new age of inlightment. Occupy or not occupied, employed or abandon, we are united serving one goal. A new frontier of changing our world. Like the first stroke of  two stones stricking and making fire." 


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bowls Masters Remember

Yesterday, Sept 23, 2015 a great name in Sports has passed at the age of 90.

A Name and Player who made his Sport
and this is the apporiate time to speak about our older Members and champions who have given so much to us, our club and our sport
 Does your club have spectators who are long time members and have reached an age while health and physical ability does not permit them to bowl.  Yes, every club has a few, who are at every competition or Local Social Game.

Last year I was playing in the city's Recreation Centre which had a Boxing Club training. Yes we were all watching as we waited for the announcement of teams.  A tall gentleman passed me and as he walked through the door of the noisy Boxing Club, everything went quite.
For  a few minutes all you heard was the Boxers in the Ring with the Punch and Footwork sounds. Then a voice was heard to say, "Fellow Club Members, we are honored to have with us tonight, the Quebec Lightweight Champion, MR.(name) "

In Blind Lawn Bowls or Visually Impaired Bowls, we find a lot of older bowlers and coaches giving their time to help these special need players to enjoy an evening on the green.  Sometimes, they even take a Coaching (assistance or helper) role and travel to National and International Competitions.

Since a Visually Impaired Bowler does not have visual understanding of the Lawn Bowl's Head these coaches or assistance often are able to offer their years of experience in Competition to improve the play and decision of their bowler.

Recently, we have seen the use of Bowl Pushers which help older bowlers to get the bowl on it way without a lot of bending. Yes, Bowls is a young man sport when it comes to Competitions which last for several days and 18 ends two or three game a day. 

But anything that a club does to encourage the previous generation of champions to participate is good for the sport.  When I started bowls, a older gentleman took me under his wings and give me the love of the sport which he had.  Today at 70, I offer my advice to younger more capable bowlers.  Does your club have a place for older members ?  No I am not talking a Social application.  They loved bowls and would love to be active even if just on special holiday social games.

A few years back our club offered Duel Player Games.  When the walking up and down the green is the hardest part of the game for Senior Bowlers, a Duel Player stays at his end of the green during half of the game.  At the other end of the green is another partner who bowls his bowls back for him. These two bowlers act as a singular bowler and only walk up the green to change ends at the mid-point of the game.  (14 end game at 7th end).   The last bowler I helped at this was a founding member of the club who has almost lost his sight and was at the club for a club event.  His family got involved and before the 4th end I was no longer needed.  

There are many ways to involve our older members.  If your heart is in wanting to involve them you will find a way.  As our great Yogi Berra said as one of his "Yogi-isms" "It ain't over until its over". 

Even if you are asking advice of an old National or International Competition Lawn bowler who is no longer bowls, you will show your appreciation for all he has done for your sport.  Be more than a taker of Club services... Be a builder

Friday, September 11, 2015

Lawn Bowls in Ukraine

From Blogger's  Stats on visitors to "Lawn Bowls- Using the Head" Blog on Sept 11, 2015, I 
Bowls Stats Sept 11, 2015

see many  "UNIQUE" hits from Ukraine this past summer, so I decided to do some research as to the extend of Lawn Bowls in the Ukraine.  First to use a dictionary English to Ukraine for "Lawn Bowls" which I discovered is " Миски з газон" in Ukraine. Good start because if Lawn Bowls is in  the dictionary and part of the language, then the people must be playing the sport. As I have only 55 blogs and the readers are reading everything (and in English) I figured it worth the search.  I did not know if I pasted a non-English word into Google what I would get as result.. Very Interesting.
Lawn Bowls Ukraine
  First the Google results are 412,000 which is quite a lot And because u are going to another country have a good
 Virus Control installed.. (actually Norton displayed virus detection information in Russian when it found a dangerous site) The Google Search results have on the first line a  "Translate this page"(By the way, if you decide to try this search go to the actual website and if interesting then go back and do a  Google Translation of pages Instead of translate each page )

    Well Share with me this is going to be fun.  (and requires a lot of patience) After 5 hours of Google search of common sites like World Bowls and Language searches I found little so will update this blog when I have better info.

First found in the translation was for Lawn Bowls for Dogs". Yes " the latest development of US veteranians " Guess it is more like a "in the grass eating" tool for the health of the dogs. (see note at bottom of Blog)
  Next translation...Deposit Photo a download site for photos then a Android Cellphone App for Virtual Lawn Bowls. The most common Lawn Bowl found was what we would call a In house Flower Pot except with a more Greek Style base.
  Began feeling that it was best is to go back to Google.com with a new search. after using the translation by "Imtranslate.net" .  Now with " Lawn Bowls Clubs" or "Газон миски клуб"  in Russian (or Ukriane)  I  still got 339,000 results. Probably due to Travel Agency offering clubs with Lawn Bowls facilities some where else in the world. (Also again Photos )

Because the above Blog statistics for the 11 september shows a 74 viewer of the blog, " How to Measure which bowl is shot" I realize that this sort of Blog viewing usually occurs when a club member see something good on-line and posts it on the club board.  For this reason I will wait for more information before completing this blog.  Maybe one of these viewers from Ukraine will contact me on twitter (@springhiler or do a comment to this blog.

However, on the same subject, that blog of measuring; when I was watching the Canadian Lawn Bowls Gold Metal game this past month I notice a player try touse that method of Checking which bowl was shot. From his body movements I realize  that he did not understood  how to do it.  My mistake,  probably badly explained... Soon, I  will do a better blog but the mistake is that the individual thought just putting his foot there he could see what bowl was shot.  Not So... Your ability depends on finding the mid-point accurately and seeing accurately 90 degrees out from your foot.  Good to see it used ,,, sad to see I didn't explain it well...

Thank you for your interest.. will continue to search the web for great bowls information.

Added Note (copied from a Russian translated site)

Dog Lawn Bowl - It is known that dogs often too quickly absorb the food, just lashing out at it, and swallowing it all at one sitting. Because of this, the animal can  create health problems.  To help the four-legged friend to eat normally, experts have proposed a new device that approaches the normal course of  feeding.  It is a bowl that has a special design. . It is a unique model of what looks like lawn where the grass grows high. . The total surface 43 "stalk" of a height from 5 to 10 cm, which are arranged at small distances from each other.  Inbetween these interstices between the "grass" one serves and pour the food which will not have access as free as in a conventional bowl. . The creators estimate that the time it will take for a dog to get the food out of a bowl, will be almost 20 minutes.  (Ofcourse, I had to correct the grammer of this text after translation..Always)


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Lawn Bowls Pairs n Fours

What builds a "Good" Head ??  Who's Asking _ Skip or Lead (end) ??

The quick answer would be "A head that give points in the end" but this is not true unless there is a lot of thought into the strength and weakness of the opponent.

This interesting 12 bowls must have been dropped from a fly by aircraft.?? does not look like the jack has been moved and with the exception of the right 2 points and blocks there seems to be no pattern.  But still 4 bowls of 16 of pairs coming.   Photos shows Greens slow (short bowls and standing bowls) and pairs (2 players on other green)  INTERESTING

From the time the jack is thrown until the final skip bowl is rolled, there is always that part of bowls which resembles Chess.  What will be their move if we do this ?   Canadians and the sport Curling, which is our Bowls on Ice, often find skips doing a Time Out to discuss this very question.  Usually as the last stone (bowl in Curling) of each skip is thrown.

First part of the game is done off the green (or ice in Curling) in building the team and the expectation of each player in each position. Basically, the Front end, Lead in Pairs and First and Second in Fours) set a head type and the Back End (skip in Pairs and Third and Skip in fours) complete the attack (offensive) or Protection (Defensive). If the Skip is a "I'm the BOSS" type there is little but follow his requests.

Photo shows Fours (1st and 2nds in head) with 16 bowls rolled.  Strategy seems to be jack lenghth as the score card shows a gain of 4 points (to 7) Good game before that. 3points in 1st end then come back for 4-3 score. What made this run away in points.?? Even distribution does not suggest jack movement although if the skip and mate drew the three tight bowls oftheir 4 bowls they are quite the draw bowlesr.

However, if the two players of "Pairs" or four players of "Fours" are to work as a team they must each carry their share of the Load.  "What Load ?" The heavy load of preparing a good head for the Skip to come to the mat and develop or defend; and execution the final "Coupe de Grace" as final bowls are rolled and points collected. (or not collected by the opponents)

Strategy is often defined as " a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time" and  "the skill of making or carrying out plans to achieve a goal"  First, the plan is important.  So many game go on without a plan. When we step to the mat we have a Pre-delivery Routine, a prepared and perfected delivery and a Post-Delivery Analysis.  What wrong with the head being likewise prepared.

Pre-Head Building is a decision on the way the team will work together and probably discussed when the team is being build. Choosing the lead in Pairs or the 1st and 2nd in Fours is such a discussion. If we see the game of "fours" as two people playing the four bowls of the Lead in Pairs, we can also assume they will discuss their abilities to build the head and stop the opponent from getting a good head.  One player may be more offensive than the other and able to do a heavy takeout or tap-back. Both should be able to draw to the desired spot.  Note I did not say "jack" because building the head is not just bowls on the jack.

Given the responsibility to the "lead" of controlling the opponents and their ability to build a head is a decision made by the skip.  A good team will delegate responsibility and I will assume that the skip has given this responsibility to the lead, or in Bowls Fours the 1st and 2nd of that team.

Study your opponents and know their strength and weakness. The jack is always at their weakness of draw distance. If a strength is not to be bothered with a "in-the-eye block" then closer blocks must be executed.  Does the players have equal ability on Forehand and Backhand deliveries ?  What is the force balance of Leads (opponent and yours) and Skips ?  if the opponent is a strong "Runner" making skip then build the back and work at a balance head.

Study the Greens and Weather Conditions.  Can your team or the opponent handle both sides of the alley ? General rule is to take control of the clean and/or narrow side. Your bowl controlling that approach may be affected by the swing bias of the opponent bowls. Or maybe the skip draws around your front (controlling) bowl.

Weather is just as important.  Going up the green into a wind will change the players Natural distance as will the wind-in-the-back bowls. Dew will lift of the early morning green and when it does start it will be fast changing of the speed.  Rain or wet green will add slowness to your green.  All this is important because if you don t analysis it and try to put a jack bowl or a block bowl it will be something or somewhere else.   Your skip has not time to do this.. he should expect you to show him. and definitely tell him as you go up the green.

Building a good head is ABC Advantage, Back/balance and Cover. All three equally important. Advantage is not just having the point or two but also controlling the best approach to the jack. It can be an advantage to have a Catch Bowl where the "Toucher" bowl will send the jack. Back/Balance goes with two principles... Balance your head by matching the opponent bowls. and Back isto be  protected  against a jack roll. But most important the saying :"If you're down (in points) be Up" (in the back of the head) because the best development for points is bowls behind the jack.

First Bowl in the Triangle of the Jack  counting for point until the skips come to the mat. Second bowl Control the opponents bowls if first bowl  is a tight shot.  However, if you're down in points use the 1st bowl to control the opponent. The 2nd might be too late as it does no good to be out-bowled by the opponent's draw on the 1st bowl to the jack and then fight to get that point back.

Some skips will saythat of the first 4 bowls use 2 defensive and 2 offensive, and that is why the 2 different players in the Four is so interesting.  One fours player can be a good offensive player and draw tight while the other fours player can be defensive and  maie changes to the head or create a controlling bowl.

DO NOT expect that 1st bowl is a trial bowl and 2nd will be better or 3rd will be better than 2nd.  Every bowl counts and the worst thing to hear a opponent skip say to their lead is "Free Bowl" meaning the last opponent's bowl changed nothing you are free to do what you feel is most important.

When the skip comes to the mat they should have at least the point and a good balance head with expectation that the opponent skip can do nothing but draw tight.  I, as skip enjoy out-bowling my opponent skip with tap-back or guards (blocks) as they waste their bowls.

Always as lead know that if your bowls are in the final count at the end of play you have done your proper job.  Anyone can be shot at 2 feet only to find the skip draw a tighter shot. (like the photo above where it appears the three tight bowls may have been a skip)

Oh yes.. "C" for Cover or close Score in the ABCs is "Don t be caught with your pants down.. Cover your Ass or your Skips") Sometimes we are so occupied that we get a surprise of 4 or 6 points.  Once at a major competition I said to my lead "Put one over here ... the jack is going there" the opponents tried to move the jack off the toucher point and were left at 11 o'clock when I  hit the toucher from the opposite side and moved the jack 3 feet to collected 7 points.    Another good rule...|Don't listen to the opponent...maybe there is not that much truth in what they say." Or maybe there is ???

STATS Study.
  Sometime we wish we could have more detail Statistics of the Readers.
Strange Three days same 21 blogs ??
In today's Stats study I see three days of readers reading 21 blogs. I get a small list of most read blogs but for three individuals to read only 21 (not 19 or 22) on 3 different days means something was passed to others of the blog readers group.  I am happy to see new countries like the USSR and know I am doing something to promote bowls in countries not active on the world scene.Usually the common reading countries are the English (british Colonies) Countries like USA Australia, South Africia etc.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Clubs worth saving at any cost

No matter how many members  a club has or how few volunteers, The sport and facilities are the work of many.  Over the years, before WE ( You , I , the reader) came, someone did what we are doing to keep the club alive.
  No one can take total credit. Everyone can be to blamed if the club closes or fails.   Your Sport of Lawn Bowls is to day great because of a lot of great people over the years in many countries. flags left are countries with World Bowls

.   "Get involved, Save your Club"  was the intended pitch.  But as I type  I  realize that I am proud of what we did and look back at our nearly lost club as a " Before and After"  About 10 years ago I told myself that over the past 40 or so years I have build many sport  clubs as an executive or volunteer.  Now, retired, it was time to play the sport and relax. But when you love your sport and can't stand to watch it die; you must do what you can even if years and strength is not there..  Anyway, we did it.. Saved our Club,  and you should think about your clubs future.

Coaches give a bit of history when they introduce new members to the sport so they appreciate the years that the sport has survived.  the Santa Anita Bowling Green Club of Arcadia, California writes
"Sculptured vases and ancient plaques show the game being played some four thousand years ago, and archaeologists have uncovered biased stone bowls from 5,000 B.C. which indicate our ancestors enjoyed the game of bowling more than seven thousand years ago.

Our Club of Bowls (Manchester LBC) on the Pediacodic River in New Brunswick is a small club. But I would like to think our efforts as new members  and those of older members and our Club President has saved the greens and facilities by their  hard work and time.

A few years ago, in the neighbouring town of Shediac the club lost their greens to the municipality. When the facilities and cares of the Lawn Bowls Clubs is the total expense and responsibility of municipality's workers. a lot of decisions on the life of Lawn Bowls is made behind closed doors.  No member should be so unconcerned to allow these decisions to be made without club support..

An earlier blog about the closure of several Welsh LBC clubs attempted to warn readers that the responsibility of the sport and their club belongs to them.  Our membership fee is $40 Can with New members at $25.  Show me a club, anywhere where you have greens and Bowls available for 5 months for so little.
Old Club house 2013

When we began working to save the club and greens we discovered that the land was being wanted by Ice Sports of Hockey, Figure Skating, Broom ball, and others to build a new Arena.  The selling point was the lack of participation of the public in Bowls as to the need for public skating and ice sports. Of course it didn t help with the recent international news. Canada was receiving Gold medals in Women's Hockey, Mens Hockey and then PanAm Games were coming to Canada Bowls is such a small sport next to these..

We began by working on the club as volunteers, cutting the expense and maintenance of the Municipal workers.  We lobbied for the municipality togive us the old Tourist Bureau which was abandon and unused.  It was a 60 ft trailer with no kitchen but visitors facilities and washrooms.

Moving the building and its new installation as our clubhouse also meant the removal of the old clubhouse. For the Recreational and Parks employees this  was a big job and expense and if not for the few dedicated  members and Club Executives efforts,  the municipality would not have agreed to such an expense. For the past two years there has been continual work indoors and out making the Lawn Bowls Club a recognized and respected sport.
New Clubhouse 2015
Just last month, the neighbouring municipality had a " Dieppe 55Plus Sport and Recreational Week" and we saw Lawn Bowls introduced as a Senior Sport.  and we introduced How to Play Courses to prepare the 24 participants who many thought that lawn Bowls was a backyard kids game.  Of these new introduced to the sports individuals the club membership almost doubled.  (not hard to do when only 12 members in 2012 and remember there are always lost members every year)

last weekend a large food store was having a gathering and  accepted an introduction to Bowls as their summer picnic activity for members.  This bring out some people who would never have tried Bowls. Last year we also saw a similar employee (membership) Saturday gathering as 40 tried the sport.  I am sure that the municipality politician who once said "Lawn Bowls..What's that?" now speak highly of the success of the Recreational Staff and Lawn Bowls members in this club.

What does this mean to you.   Once the facilities go.. then so does the sport.  YES, we pay our membership and so should just be allowed to Bowl but being a club member is more than just going and do the sport.  Volunteer work or maintenance is for everyone and not as we often hear "that is for others."  NOT so.. when the year is over yes it is nice to talk about the great competitions, but also it is great to bath in the glory of a club  increased members or it near death recovery and new life and members.

Blog stats sometime can be interesting to watch...

Blog Stats July 29th
With 92 blogs and none of them are short, I see from the chart on the left that some new bowler took the time to read all 92.. probably did a quick read or decided it was not what he wanted... but they view all 92 blogs  Thank you for your interest and time.. One day I will start to make the blogs shorter.

Interesting that this reader probably came from USSR as the next day the reader map showed the volume coming from there.  Do we introduce the sport to others with our blogs ?
same blog two days later

Above I posted all the flags of Lawn Bowls Countries. I am doubtful if Russia is a member but the sport starts with a few interested players and maybe a bit of information on the net.  Lawn Bowls is Bocci (a different game) to Italians and Petanque (metal Balls) to France. But the similar game in Canada is Curling which is played on Ice and the delivery of the stone is the same movement as Bowls Delivery.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Being A Lead player

First few paragraphs were updated Sept14th 2019 --
As my 75th birthday approaches I am beginning to look at my Internet blogging and the stats today (Sept 14, 2019) shows a continual interest in the role of  a Lead in Lawn Bowls  Competitions. Now Sept 18, 2023 I am doing another update as this blog of 2015 still is at the top of viewer visits. Here, in this update I ask "What is the role of the Lead" (I have placed new comments in italics bold)
Blog Stats 24 August 2019

No other player, not even the skip is more important than the lead as a controlling player of the team. The skip will be required to find the game strategy and make those shots as the last few bowls are played ; but the skip's only influence are his own bowls and his own performance.
During this year, I accepted to play "Lead" in a "Super League" because I found the participants were being attached to a "Dart Bowls" thinking.  Everyone, or as the skip request; shot toward the jack and at the end, like in darts the closest bowl to the center of the house was consided a good bowl. A "good Bowl to me depends upon how many opponent bowls it forces to be wasted or avoided. Also, at 78 now, I enjoyed the relaxation of being a Lead.

In Lawn Bowls there are three task that must be performed with every end of play. First, as the end begins, there is the need to place the Mat and throw the jack up the green and have it centered. Next is the Vice or Second which will be assisting the skip by being in the head when the skip is that the mat. This team member will probably be required to make decisions on the  actual points won or lost. Also the education of the Vice (or second) on how to measure, if necessary and if in doubt to call the referee. Last of the three task is delegated to the skip who will defines the game strategy throughout various part of the game; and be the last to play. A major part of the Leads task is to develop a communication between the team member and attempt to evaluate the best method of getting the best performance.

 Lets for a minute look at the important of how "The Lead" will defined with their beginning bowls what the end and the head will  look like after 6 bowls. In strategy for the lead, Long ago when Bowls 4s was played more frequently here in Canada; I was told "Your job is to put your bowls on the Jack as pressure on the opponents"   The lead should be taught the importance of his  personal decisions and performance and how such decisions by them or the skip will result in the final bowls in the head, and if a personal decision will change the results. Toward the end of this blog, we find a National competition of Pairs and the skip and Lead discussion of strategy.  They decide who is right and their decision by the children game of "Rock, Paper, Sissors"

Stats of Blog Sept 14 2019
We see the same stats week after week
One of the major important of the "Lead player" decision and his influence in the team member's delivery  is by their placement of the mat as he picks and evaluates the "Receiving Area". 
The "Bowl's Receiving Area" is that small area of the bowling green in front of the Mat (or to the side) where your team players will lays their bowl to the green.
 To often the lead is the less experience player of the team, having bowled for only a few year and if the lead has not  been educated in how to evaluate the "Bowl's Receiving Area" it may cause problems. Yes, your bowls to the jack are important but also you are able to influence the bowls of your team members with this decision
   The "Bowl's Receiving Area" may be different for each team player and certainly is different for the left-handed bowlers. If you want your skip to be able to perform  those difficult and great shots then their Bowl  need a good clean "Receiving area". You also will see a difference as you bowl and placed  your bowl to the green  and watch it's roll. We assume that the protective screen has protected the greens from damage but "Damage"  is more than visual debits caused by a badly delivered bowl.  If players are using large or heavy bowl, and  someone is continually dumping them onto the screen rather than a "Laydown Roll"; then a collection of  dents can be seen on the green under the screen. Worst still is if the mat has always been at the same location; there is certain to be damage visable under the screen. The lead can win or lose a tournament by their ability to place the mat and being aware of it location.

The lead in placing the Mat should be aware of his own team unique delivery style. Everyone has a different location in front of the mat at which they place their bowls to the green; and if the receiving area of the bowl is bad, your teammate will have difficulty doing a good delivery. There is nothing. worse than a bowl, starting it roll up the green from the edge of an indentation or debit. Of the three players on a Triple, the skip placement of their bowl is the most important. If they roll it to the green, 2 feet in front of the mat, then  the mat should place knowing that it’s a good receiving area, even if other members of the team have a different "Receiving Area". Eventually you will even think about the difficulty that your mat has for the opponents.  Always advise your skip of damage under the screen an allow them to request the referee to look at that location. Sometimes, two screens are needed for a bowler and that decision is made by the Greens personel and the referee if such a change is to be made.

Today, her in Eastern Canada, a lot of clubs are using. protective screens as part of the mat placement, and  very often  the screen is placed prior to the mat. And sometimes by someone else than the lead. Certainly, at these times, the lead cannot analyze or survey the "Receiving Area" in front of the mat.

 There are two ways to accomplish the solution to this problem. One is to place the mat and throw the Jack which is then centered, and then afterwords placed the screen which could be done by the second or "Vice" while lead  has gone to pick up their bowl in preparation for their delivery. However, one the Jack has been centered the Mat can not be moved; so to slide the screen under the mat it is necessary to bend the front few inches of the mat and pull the screen back under the mat.

 The other is prior to placing them that and the screen to evaluate the playing surface where the screen will be placed. Knowing that the mat will be placed 2 to 6 inches onto the screen you will want to have a good playing surface under the screen where your skip and other team members are placing their bowls.

Do we realize that  Every player delivers their "Forehand bowl" within a few inches of the centre Line (both left or right handed players ). Think about this... Such a delivery means that the bowl is placed beyond the "Center Line " (a few inches  to a foot from the mat) and then rolls outward and back toward the  the Jack if on "Center Line"  

A bit different on the "BackHand Delivery"  where the bowl is anywhere from a few inches in front on  "Centre Line" if standing on the "Corner of the Mat: or even to the Side as the bowler "Rolls parallel" to the mat and retruns to "Center Line". So if the mat placement gives a good "Receiving Area" for the start of the bowl's roll, as laid softly to the green, the lead can take credit for that perfect shot  the skip has just performed. Remember, there are  so many different "Forehand" and "Backhand" Deliveries..

So teaching a Lead to look at these small detail and then to move the mat forward or back a few inches to give the best possible "Receiving Area" only means that their decision is helping make the best possible bowl roll.  (For both teams). 

Placing the mat. When the mat is placed and the jack thrown up the green to the distance, requested by the skip; the lead should step to the side of the mat and await the skip to center and approval the mat is on 
 "Center Line".Especially if the strategy of either team is to change the location of the mat regularly. After the skip has advise the lead to move the mat, left or right, the lead should return to the center of the mat  and centre the jack. When the Jack is centered, the lead should begin  their Delivery routine by going and picking up their bowl. Very likely during this time the screen will be placed by the "Second". 

So what makes a good lead is first of all, to be able to drive your bowl to the Jack with a fair precision at the distance which is very often chosen by the opponent. If your team has won the point and mat, the lead should be able to throw the Jack to the distance requested by the skip. If the skip has given to the lead the choice of choosing the "Jack distance",  the lead should be able to throw the jack to the distance which  is best for first their distance and then that distance best for their team.  At his "Natural Distance the First bowl should be on the jack or within a foot.

 What about the rolling the jack and eventually how the lead's first bowls arrives in the head. These decisions and the education of the Lead means that their first bowls is going to build the head in such a way. " What is the ideal first bowl" is often asked by a new player playing "Lead". Of all the bowls a "lead" can roll, the ideal first bowl is a good delivery to within a foot or 18 inches of the jack.

An interesting  principle which is often discussed about  the Lead's Delivery of his First bowl after having thrown the jack which states "If the lead's bowl is delivered within 30 seconds after the jack has been rolled and centered; that the "Muscle Memory" of the Jack roll will become a part of the  "Muscle Memory" of the Bowl Delivery. "Muscle Memory" is discussed else where is simply if you do something often enough, you will eventually do it without thinking. (the subconscious uses memory of muscles).   A "psychoneuromuscular Theory" suggest that even thinking or remembering an action will result in the brain communicating with the muscles in preparation of the action to be arriving soon.

 Try this exercise... Take a Golf Ball, a jack and your Bowl and do three Natural Distance rolls (as if you are rolling your bowl).   Do they arrive at the same distance? If not how much difference. Certain laws of Physic says your Foot/Pound effort used with that delivery being the same; that the size of the object will collect the same force but that that force will result in the same distance, because the different size balls (Golf, Jack, and Bowl) will have less resistance from the greens.. Think about it... Try it.. Develop an ability to remember your roll force and apply it to your Bowl delivery.. Can it be done ?? This is what learning is. An idea, develop skills based upon the idea and then using them in Bowl's Play.

 Wheather by luck or because of a good delivery the "Lead's bowls  will defines how the head will be develop and the expected performance of his fellow teammates. Yes we see skips who preach the "Do what I say" as the lead comes to the mat; but by asking a lead to perform does not get the shot made. I tell my lead "Do you best to try and give what I am asking". and then as we pass at center green, I some times explain how their great shot will resulted in the points. When playing "InterClub Games" where my lead may be a first year club member of the club  which we are visiting; I simple request  "Put two on or near to the Jack and we will see for the other, we are a team"

When coaching players for the position of Lead I insist on them respecting the wishes of the skip and to apply their understanding of the decision of where the mat is placed. When they are not doing a delivery, they should be. Watch all  the players (team and opponent) and understand how their mat decision effect them .  Yes the skip may define the length of the jack but in placing the mat on the green the lead who had done his mat placement verification; can still move it a few inches. If the lead feels a success or failure of their bowls and their fellow teammate bowls. All decisions have been good ones.

Some Basics of Bowls delivery first. Lawn bowlers perform two types of deliveries. Forehand and Backhand.  And each bowl roll touches the greens in two completely different lines of delivery. The Backhand which is taught first to new students is placed on the green near the center line and rolls outward along the line of delivery and with the bias returns to the center line in front or behind the jack depending upon the delivery weight . This is taught first because you can not turn your wrist or bend your elbow when doing a Backhand Delivery.

(The following test is the original blog of  July 25 2015)

In the game of Lawn Bowls, especially in Pairs and Triples: the first player to roll their bowls
Youtube Video -  Nev Rodda
is usually called the "LEAD" or "LEADER". In building a good team, the lead's ability to place their bowls on the Jack is the major factor. Important enough that it may influence the team skips choice of a player's position. In "Social Games" the lead is usually the less experience player or newbie and they are told to simple do as the skip ask.

However, in competition play the value of the "Lead"  is more on their ability to develop the head of bowls with their beginning bowls. These first bowls in the head often define how the head will be developed and as a controlling factor against the success of the opponent lead.
 " The Lead (er) is the most important player on the team. I can t emphasizes that enough" explains Nev Rodda , author of the Youtube video "Lawn Bowls, What is the role of the Leader" 

 This blog attempts to expand   on this details of the leads important in pairs, Triples and Fours.

  Last weekend I watch a local "Provincial Play down" which is used to choose the representative of our province in National Competitions. I watched as the opponent lead placed 3 tight bowls on the jack in the first three consecutive ends.  Immediately, I knew the outcome of the game as I had coached the losing team on Game play and the responsibility of building a good head and the control the opponent lead's bowls.. As I watch the game, I understood how the mindset of the losing team was on  a "draw, draw, draw" performance. To the leads  this had become an individual competition between the two leads.  I later leaned that the  final score was  29 to 9 after 18 ends. Who was to blame.

I felt guilty as a Coach because the point which was taught certainly was not well communicated. Even if the lead had forgotten, the skip should have told his lead of the need to stop the continual strong lead's  control of the game by his bowl placement and how it affected the head was build.

(2019 update) This week (May 2019) teams from 25 countries on the Atlantic Ocean are gathered in Wales for the 2019 Atlantic Championships. (May 10 to 23th) and thankful to South Africa Facebook page, I had an opportunity to watch several games.  The photos left are from the Woman's Pairs Finals (South Africa and Malta) In the first end of play ( Photo 1) we see SA lead on the jack as Malta lead's (white bowls) a bit heavy. In the photo, the lead's 3rd bowl is requested by the SA skip to be placed behind the jack
where the touched jack will be send  (foot turned sideways). On the next bowl Malta lead made contact on the SA bowl and sends the jack back. However, the SA lead's bowl was not there.  Can you guess who won the game ? (end of Update)

 At this level of play, even in the first end of play; the need to quickly adjust is important.  Yes the skip could have let the lead throw the next two bowls into the jack but most important is each bowl is of value and the best position on the green for the Skip is what the lead should understand and attempt to do.

During the 2019 Australian Open on the Gold Coast )  in the Woman's pairs of  C.Krizanic / N.Scott S.Duffield / A.Haevecker. Section 7 Day 3  we see that the team lead of Carla Krizanic suggesting to her skip  Natasha Scott to play a long jack. Because they had won several points earlier on minimum distance jack and this is the last end of play, Because they disagree, they both meet in center green and discuss it. In order  to decide the different view,, used a child game of "Rock,Paper,Scissors" and  the lead won to decided  distance.
 Yes, in an international game of  world quality lawn bowls using this small child's game as one of their tools they were allowed for a decision without either disrespect. Respect in Communication is important especially in Team's discussion on play. And maybe even  more than skip obedience.

  However, it is clear in watching the game and their play on a short jack distance they have their ability to take-off weight down to a precision. We see in watching their play the two methods of removing weight.  Natasha stops her delivery arm forward movement and lets the bowl drop and roll forward while Carla does a stop of her forward delivery movement and waits until her bowl is on the green before continue to her forward step.  This weakness of the opponents abilities on short jack delivery; was probably detected in the early part of the game and kept or used occationally, Now it is of major important decision at the end of the game.

Of course they won 14 - 10 and moved on to the qualificators. Also we see them wisely use the short jack delivery distance and then return to a long jack to not allow the opponent to develop or perfect their abilities.

A mindset of  "I maybe can get a better shot than their bowl."  is not game tactics or play strategy but just hopeful wishing. The thought should be. "Oh, I see what you did to outplay me, It won t happen again because...."  In the above mention  video Nev say " Forgot about EGO, this is not about playing well, " this is about playing as a team " " and winning as a team." "Four players playing as one unit, four players working together to achieve an outcome"

HOWEVER, before a lead can control the head and make individual decisions for the team, the team has to agree that these decisions and developments are his responsibility as a team player."The Lead (er) is guided through the thoughts and wishes of the skip (per)" says Nev suggesting his decisions have been discussed and delegated before the actual game. (UD 2019 - In the above photos, the skip knew the need for the back bowl and the lead should have been able to place a near perfect bowl) When the skip suggests a jack length or a bowl delivery  to a certain position in the head; he is indicating a different in team strategy to the lead and the importance of not each bowl that is rolled need to be on the jack.. "The lead must think outside the confines of the game" and understand the meaning of the change in his performance that is being requested not just always put a bowl on the jack..

I was taught that a 12 end game has three parts of play (4 ends each) which should be used wisely.

The First 4 ends of play  (two up and two back) are to know the opponents and the Playing surface. The skip will see different things than you  the lead who is probably studying the opponent lead.  Yes you must collect points in each end but concentrate on reading and collection information that will improve your game is important as you play. (Even as team lead)  If the score is slow on the first ends, (4-2 after 4 ends) there is plenty of time to learn these important facts which are available. I remember a 4's game where the second said to me "The  opponent lead has a two foot less weight on his backhand" This meant that were 4 players (lead and seconds of both teams) were equal strength on the draws.. the lead was weak on his back hand.
 But if by chance, there is a big lost of points in the first or second end, than maybe the time for study of the opponent is over and the skip's decision will be to jump ahead and learn from the  2nd part of play  the " Fine Play" Section of the game.
In 7th end adding 3 to make 10 - 10 
Interesting photo of Score board.  The 2nd part of 12 ends of play (5th to 8th) is called "Fine Turning" because both teams know the line and got a feel for green speed.  In the photo we see that  after 20 points collected in 7 ends.one team has Fine tuned their performance faster than the other team  Must have been a few 1s and 2s and a few 4s and 5s, in this later section as we see a team collects 3 points to tie game. .

In this section the team against team strategy is begun and decided by the skip. If the team is front end heavy with their lead building a strong head the points will be collected by being concerned to stop this strong lead.  The mat will be moved, the lead bowls blocked, the jack moved anything to give the skip a even playing area when he comes to the mat.  No skip can save the game when he comes to the mat or with his last bowl with 3 or 5 points down.

The third section of play strategy "keep it together" is where we find that probably both teams have unique forces. Efforts to keep the game going toward a win may applied to maintain the lead or always recapture of the jack and take control of the game with a play of bowls controlling the opponent maybe with unique jack distance. It is nice to come pass the 8th end into the 3rd section with a near even score or a fair lead.  Remember after 8 ends of play the players know their ability and draw distance and line.  You are both at your best and the only way to win is to be at your best mental and physical.  And team harmony and communication best.

In a 18 end of play game the quality of the team is more closely studied as both are now trying to roll all their bowls with maximum efficiency and it becomes a game strategy of  attacks (offensives) on the weak point of the opponent or  build a strong defense. (Defensively)

In your 1st 4 ends "Learn and Build"  Section you should be asking question like
 - Does the opponent "Lead" favor forehand or just as good on both fore and back hand. ?
 - What is the Natural Distance of the "Lead"  how well does he add-on and take-off his weight.?
 - Is there a Narrow Green or Wide green and how wide are the bias of the opponent skip.? (To block a side of the head for the "Lead"  and not affect the draw of the mate or skip is useless tactics.
Remember your skip has his job and you have yours.  In fours you and the Second can talk and advise each other of your readings and findings.

Thank you.  Good Bowls.

As a new part of this blog I will at the end post the
Blog viewer Stats July 27th 2015
Viewer Statistics with comments on unique change in Views.  The following photo show that beside the regular English Blog viewers like Canada, USA and Australia we find Europe viewers in Ukraine India and of course South Africa.
Sometimes it is unique subject matter and not necessary bowls that draws the viewers. The search engine of Yahoo and Google may have picked up the "Subconscious Mind" aspect of the blog. But still interesting to see these views.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bowls - Think it Do it and be Amazed

I'm Back  Yes blogging AGAIN.  We pick up a book and reading it we get involved with the story.  If about bowls, our sport, we get to relating the subject with our experiences on the green.
Google photo (pcf.org..NZ)

HOWEVER,  Life goes on.  The Blogger, myself, has a life and  at 70 years old the knowledge is there,but so also there are a lot of things going on relating to health.  The C word is always there today, and when we hear mention or family members are hospitalized we forget everything and live a completely different life. This summer without competition and bowls is different but I find time passes fast.

  Well, all is good for me.  What was a spot on the lungs and thought caused by second hand smoke, is just an old scar matter, My loved one has had her operation and seems to be recovering well. I, and my mind can relax.  Bowl season is almost over but I am back to Blog as I am amazed by the readership and comments.

What this got to do with Bowls.    There is a social side of Bowls and polite respect for our opponent. We hate losing but must accept that the best man (or woman) wins.  As i look back at the blogs written over the past few years some blogs have been at the forefront of readers. (I used a small "i" because after the BIG "C" we are small.  or Maybe the BIG "G" as He seems to be involved in our life)

Subconscious mind Exercises has had 1859 reads since written in December 2012. And it is not a 5 minute read, it is long.  But always every week ,it has, at least, the volume of readers interest.  When I wrote that I thought that it was over the head of many of the Blog readers and would be considered as PuppyPop or wishful thinking.  Recently,  while discussing it with a bowler I discovered a sincere indication of the separation of Conscious and Subconscious mind. The first exercise of that blog was to use the Bowl rolling exercise to have you feel the point where the Subconscious mind is involved.

To know and see the difference between the two minds. Subconscious and Conscious try this interesting experiment.  (Experiment because it might not work for all)

Open and close your eyes and feel the muscles involvement that is presence. To one individual they said "When I feel for that muscle movement it is like a spring Blind popping up on the window and going around and around".  Now that you feel that muscle movement we are going to say that that is your conscious mind.  You tell you body to do it and conscious thought on your part does it.

Subconscious mind is the body doing things which it know you need doing like your heart or lungs. It would be dangerous if we had to think to breath in a breath or cause blood to flow with a heart beat. The area of control of the conscious mind is two parts of interest.  First, like the Cancer mention above, the subconscious mind can give great health and recovery by positive conscious efforts. Interesting I wrote  "conscious effort" in having the Subconscious mind help heal disease or mental problems.  But it is a big conscious and continual effort to be positive and see good in the worst of situations.

Second, lets see the Subconscious mind over conscious body movements. After reading this try the following exercise.  Do the above eye opening exercise and feel the muscle movements involved. Now close your eyes and tell yourself you can see through the eyelids by remembering what is in the room or scene around you. Look hard and even see the white of your inter eyelids.  Now with that thought fixed in your mind, try to open your eyes. Your subconscious mind will not allow you to open your eyes even you know the muscle movement.  Why. Like a computer occupied in doing something it is keeping the situation of eyes closed so you can see through your eyelids.  If you had already said it is foolish you can not see through you eyelids.. your eyes will open..

HAVE YOU TRIED IT ?  Amazing that it was so hard to open your eyes.  If you did not try that exercise than don t read further as the mind is not a tool box to throw thoughts into and maybe try to use one day..  Be honest to yourself and me (the blogger with belief you will benefit from this idea).. try it and understand the subconscious mind control over the conscious efforts.

If you had engaged your subconscious mind to control your delivery and roll the bowl right to the Jack, it will likewise prevent you doing things which would otherwise allow you to achieve that goal. If you had belief in God's healing and Prayer your subconscious mind will heal.  Positive thinking will bring abut positive results.

Over the years (for newer bowlers) you have rolled 100 or 1000 bowls and watched the result. With older bowlers of 25 or 30 years of experiece at bowls, we may be getting close to having rolled 100,000 bowls.  Your subconscious mind know what you are trying to do and does it if you allow it to be in control.

Imagine the outfielder throwing to the pitcher or Catcher in a "Save that Run" situation thinking before throwing or analysis the force need.  The ball would never get there or not in time.  Think it Do it and be Amazed at it.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Walking the Mat

Watching the Potter 2015 Single Final between Andy Thomson of England
and the Scottish  Indoor Champion, Alex Marshall I heard the Announcer say "Using the Mat on the far edge" Andy attempts a jack roll and rolls pass as he tries "to turn the jack".    The bowl passed just in front of the jack.  The style of delivery of Andy is to stand on the far back corner as delivery foot placement.  However if he had moved forward to the front of the mat the same bowl would have rolled the jack. These bowlers are the best in the world and it is not intended to suggest faults. But we normal players do not have their skill and often these tricks or "Tools" of delivery are helpful in our success.

Update Aug/2018 - A recent 2018 blog on the fault of experience bowlers being overly dependant on a Delivery Line Reference  during their delivery instead of seeing in the "Mind's eye" where their bowl will go needs me to make clear how this trick helps experience lawn bowlers with their delivery line  If you bowled to roll the jack and passed within inches and you know your properly delivery line; maybe the missing of the jack was because of a small hill or valley which changed the bowl line.  If you do another instinctive delivery the bowl will pass the same place as the previous one.  By walking the mat, (opposite side of missed jack) and double the missed jack distance you will hit the jack this time because the change in your bowl's roll has been adjusted.  (Why double ?? Because your skip will tell you the distance from the bowl to the edge of the jack.  You want to hit the jack in the center to add a few inches in your stepping the mat)

As a "Arm Chair Critics" or Bloggers, I  sometime offer a different view and even become inclined to  suggest a method of getting that bowl you delivery; to the shot you want. In a previous blog called "Delivery Line Toolbox", one of the Delivery Tricks which was suggested was that a lawn bowler could develop and by doing so would improve his delivery skills, said.

"Walking the Mat - Because the mat is defined in Section 3, Article 7 of rules as 600 mm by 360 mm (23.622" x 14.173") this small foot wide mat allows for a little bit of "Mat Walking "  With the Section 5 (Game) and Article 21A (Foot Faulting) requiring that the player have one foot on or over the mat at the time of jack or bowl delivery; we have a great deal of place to put our foot and (still) move around on the mat."

Below the Youtube  Video of Bowls Scotland National Championship 2014 Men's Pairs SF2  is used as an example of players with different delivery styles and it  shows how to use the trick of  "Walking Mat".

Foot on right side of mat
Foot on left corner of mat
In this  Youtube Video the lead. Colin Howie,  for the Troon Portland LBC team, (Photo on right) is an example of delivery from the left side of the mat.We will see later in the blog and the video that because he is tight to the left of the mat, he has the restriction of not being able to move any further left.  Also from this same Youtube Video we see his opponent lead (photo on left)  from the Dander Hall Miners team, Billy Peacocis an example of a bowler using the right corner of the mat. 
 Lesson 1 - Do you know what happens if you move left or right on the mat and use the same delivery (line or Point of aim) ?  Try it. Delivery from 3 positions as the mat is large enough for left, center and right placement of you foot on the mat.

 In  this  above mention video ,  we see Colin's bowls all passing just inches short and arriving left of the jack. In the previous blog the following photo was also composed of his 4 bowls to show his  delivery results and how "Walking the mat would have helped.

 The left photo show his first three bowls and their finish place behind the jack to the right. (his right looking from the mat) The right photo shows that his fourth bowl was a bit heavy with the idea it would not bend as much  and probably  would have taken the jack back to his three other bowls.

Very often a good bowler knows that he gets less bias on the bowl  if it is a bit heavy. This is a mistake because the bowl's delivery and approach to the jack must be the same wait or else if you do touch the jack, you do not have a "Trail Jack" but a "Punched Jack".  A "Trail jack" is usually when the jack stays with the bowl as the bowl slowly trails the jack (on the bowl) back to the new position.

 If his normal stance on the mat was to be with  his foot in the center (like the photo of the Australian champion Kelsey Cottrell)  (photo right); it is then easily to move a bit left and catch the jack with the same delivery roll.

 Watch the video's  first end of play, and know the value of this tool as a change in delivery.. It appears to me to be more accurate to do a small adjustment of foot on the mat; rather than  believe that a heavier bowl  will  have the same bias. Bias changes with bowl speed and green speed as it rolls.  Why make it more complex... the change of line or change of weight is harder to master. ??

If the bowler like Colin is a "natural delivery"  bowler the change in delivery weight will require that he also change his delivery line.  In using a "Natural Delivery" we see a style of delivery where the bowler's mind (subconscious) will adjust the " delivery line" for the heavier weight. The bowler will think that he has given the same line.  Principle here, is that  "if you have done the delivery so many time that you only need  "to think where you want the bowl", then you can let the mind makes that delivery adjustment (subconscious mind)"  as you move left or right on the mat.  This is more precise and  you are not changing your delivery weightm and  the mind (subconscious) does the same line of delivery. (Or so you think)  Don t out think yourself.

The Second reason why you should have the "Walking The Mat" ability is to change your "Receiving area".  What is the Receiving Area?  The place on the green in front of the mat where your bowl first makes contact with the green is often referred to as your "Receiving area"

 In an previous blog it was suggested that the lead needs to know and always check the  "Receiving area" of their team mates when first placing the mat,  To be aware of damage to the surface where you or your fellow teammates will place the bowl; only means moving the mat ahead or back a bit to get the best roll of the delivered bowl.

What is so hard about checking the surface and to be sure to not have debits or damage where they place their bowl.  However what if your team has not placed the mat ?  In placing the mat, the opponent  lead may have given his team a good surface and in so doing given you or your team mates;  a bad "Receiving Area".  If you need to change your  stance on the mat to improve where you place your bowl (your "Receiving area"), in order to not lay down a good delivery in the middle of  bad debits.

Interesting Story from Bowling out of Montreal.  I was teamed in Pairs with Scot and we were against a Westmount Team. Scot and the Westmount skip ( Richard) were the club "Greens keeper".  I noticed that the Westmount lead was causing debits and when we had the first bowl, and as lead, I knew that when placing the mat; it should be moved ahead or back a bit to give a good "Receiving Area",

 Scott my skip was an excellent Green keeper back at our club.  Because Richard, the opponent skip and I were both left hand bowlers, when I placed the mat I did not think of my skip who like the Westmount lead was right handed. As a new player and as lead, I should have known the left and right handed players on both teams. However, I placed the mat for my self to have a good receiving area and when the skips came to the mat, my skip was delivering his bowl in the debits of the opponent lead and Richard the opponent skip had a clean  "Receiving area" . Looking down at those debits as he bowled Scott (my skip) completely losted it as he tried to deliver around those debits.

 When needing to adjust your delivery "Receiving area" the need to move left or right on the mat is the first reason for "Mat Walking". As a "Line bowler" you may have to adjust your bowl if the "Receiving area" of your bowl is bad.  By developing this trick or tool in your "ToolBox of Tricks" you should be able to move on the mat and obtain the best delivery ofyour bowl.   Also, in your "Post Analysis" of your "Good delivery" you must know that this small defect in the green has changed the actual roll or performance of  your bowl. This is your feedback for the next delivery.  But if you don t know how to "Walk the mat" you may try leaning ahead or to the side to place the bowl on a different part of the green.  Now, with a Balance problem you create another problem in your delivery.