In a previous Blog for the Lead, it was suggested to know the "Receiving Area" of the bowls of your team players and the Opponents. This is the area of green directly in front of the mat where the player lays down his bowl to begin his delivery. Thank you to Bowls Scotland Facebook Photo for examples of Delivery usage of the mat.
Usually a right handed lawn bowler standing on the center of the mat will lay it down 8 to 10 inches from the center or "Jack Line". If the bowl is a "Backhand" Delivery it will cross the center line and arc outward and return to the Jack which if it has not been moved, is on the "Jack Line".
Because most lawn Bowlers are about two feet wide, and the left handed Lawn Bowler will place his bowl on the green ("Receiving Area" a foot on the opposite side of the center line; the "Delivery area is about 2 feet wide. From that area of green of the Right handed Bowler to that area of Green of the Left Handed bowler.
Therefore, with the exception of players who do a high delivery (chuck their bowl) or do off the mat deliveries this "Receiving area is about 18 inches in front of the mat. However, with the use of various tricks of Delivery in your Delivery Line Tool Box you can increase this area to 5 (five) feet on the left or Right side of the Center or "Jack Line".
Walking the Mat Because the mat is defined in Section 3, Article 7 as 600mm by 360mm (23.622" x 14.173") this small foot wide mat allows for a little bit of "Mat Walking " With the Section 5 (Game) and Article 21A (Foot Faulting) requiring that the player have one foot on or over the mat at the time of jack or bowl delivery; we have a great deal of place to move around on the mat. Photo shows back of Mat usage for delivery Learn how to use the mat fully and the results it will give you. Every tool in your tool box will one day be valuable .
Example of Walking Mat applied in Bowls Scotland National Championship 2014 Men's Pairs SF2 on Youtube shows that because player delivery stance is such that he is off the right corner
of the mat for his "Receiving Area" of his bowl he is missing the Jack on the left and all his bowls are at the same final resting position. He can not move a half foot size left to catch the jack. Watching the delivery shows that Walking the Mat is not a tool in his Delivery Tool Box.
Because your foot is about 4 inches wide and the mat is 14 inches you can place your "Mat foot" at the extreme left or extreme right of the mat for delivery.
Walking the mat is both forward and backward as well as left to right. In developing your "Delivery Line Toolbox" you should know what result you have when your "Remaining" foot is located on each of the 4 corners of the mat .
One of the major differences is when you have done a "Natural Delivery and arrived 16" (inches) behind the jack. With the same natural delivery and moving from the front of the mat to the back of the mat your bowl will be that 16" closer to you and on the jack. (remember the mat is 24 " long and your foot is probably 12 inches. (excuse the use of Inches as at 70years old and as a Canadian I still think in the British Measure). Photo of Kalsey Coffreil shows how much of the mat is unused when the bowl is placed on the delivery.
Off Step Delivery. This delivery occurs when the bowler places his "non-delivery arm side foot "on the mat and does a wide side step from the mat. By standing in this "Spread Stance" and doing a gentle delivery it is possible to move as far as 4 feet off the mat. Most Blocks do not restrict a bowlers ability to reach a position on the green or the Jack, but a double Block wall will create concern. By a Off-step Delivery you will pass those blocks without difficult.(When I find a photo fo Off-Step Delivery I will update this Blog)
Amazing, a Off Step Delivery is not hard to find the line because often the Blocks are at the Shoulder of the Delivery Line and by using these bowls as your line of delivery your bowl will pass just within the bowls. Yes you bowls will arrive at the jack because they have a different line of approach and the Bowl's finish will often be on the jack line.
Inside Step Delivery This delivery is more difficult than expected but can be developed to extend your delivery at least a foot beyond the opposite corner of the mat from your "Delivery Arm Mat side" Because some instructors insist that you place your bowl on the green beside the inside of your Stepping foot, often a new bowler develops this Inside Step Delivery and must be corrected to step into the Jack line and deliver the bowl within a foot of the Jack line..
All the tools in your Delivery Tool Box should apply to an instinctive Bowl Line Delivery. Such a delivery means you see in your mind the three parts of your Delivery Line, (Arc of Delivery, Shoulder, and Finish Curve) and you deliver your bowl to arrive at the expected place after the finish curve has happen.
Sometimes it is simple to improve our Mat Etiquettes as suggested by the Ottawa Club of "Nepean Lawn Bowl Club which suggests " 6. After bowling each bowl, step off the mat to the right. As you approach the mat to bowl, do so from the rear left."
Front of Mat Delivery (Bowls Scotland FB) |
Because most lawn Bowlers are about two feet wide, and the left handed Lawn Bowler will place his bowl on the green ("Receiving Area" a foot on the opposite side of the center line; the "Delivery area is about 2 feet wide. From that area of green of the Right handed Bowler to that area of Green of the Left Handed bowler.
Therefore, with the exception of players who do a high delivery (chuck their bowl) or do off the mat deliveries this "Receiving area is about 18 inches in front of the mat. However, with the use of various tricks of Delivery in your Delivery Line Tool Box you can increase this area to 5 (five) feet on the left or Right side of the Center or "Jack Line".
Bowls Scotland FBook Photo |
Walking the Mat Because the mat is defined in Section 3, Article 7 as 600mm by 360mm (23.622" x 14.173") this small foot wide mat allows for a little bit of "Mat Walking " With the Section 5 (Game) and Article 21A (Foot Faulting) requiring that the player have one foot on or over the mat at the time of jack or bowl delivery; we have a great deal of place to move around on the mat. Photo shows back of Mat usage for delivery Learn how to use the mat fully and the results it will give you. Every tool in your tool box will one day be valuable .
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Bowls left of jack without possible Mat Walking |
Because your foot is about 4 inches wide and the mat is 14 inches you can place your "Mat foot" at the extreme left or extreme right of the mat for delivery.
Australian's Kalsey Coffreil |
One of the major differences is when you have done a "Natural Delivery and arrived 16" (inches) behind the jack. With the same natural delivery and moving from the front of the mat to the back of the mat your bowl will be that 16" closer to you and on the jack. (remember the mat is 24 " long and your foot is probably 12 inches. (excuse the use of Inches as at 70years old and as a Canadian I still think in the British Measure). Photo of Kalsey Coffreil shows how much of the mat is unused when the bowl is placed on the delivery.
Off Step Delivery. This delivery occurs when the bowler places his "non-delivery arm side foot "on the mat and does a wide side step from the mat. By standing in this "Spread Stance" and doing a gentle delivery it is possible to move as far as 4 feet off the mat. Most Blocks do not restrict a bowlers ability to reach a position on the green or the Jack, but a double Block wall will create concern. By a Off-step Delivery you will pass those blocks without difficult.(When I find a photo fo Off-Step Delivery I will update this Blog)
Amazing, a Off Step Delivery is not hard to find the line because often the Blocks are at the Shoulder of the Delivery Line and by using these bowls as your line of delivery your bowl will pass just within the bowls. Yes you bowls will arrive at the jack because they have a different line of approach and the Bowl's finish will often be on the jack line.
Inside Step (left) - Outside Step (right |
Inside Step Delivery This delivery is more difficult than expected but can be developed to extend your delivery at least a foot beyond the opposite corner of the mat from your "Delivery Arm Mat side" Because some instructors insist that you place your bowl on the green beside the inside of your Stepping foot, often a new bowler develops this Inside Step Delivery and must be corrected to step into the Jack line and deliver the bowl within a foot of the Jack line..
All the tools in your Delivery Tool Box should apply to an instinctive Bowl Line Delivery. Such a delivery means you see in your mind the three parts of your Delivery Line, (Arc of Delivery, Shoulder, and Finish Curve) and you deliver your bowl to arrive at the expected place after the finish curve has happen.
Sometimes it is simple to improve our Mat Etiquettes as suggested by the Ottawa Club of "Nepean Lawn Bowl Club which suggests " 6. After bowling each bowl, step off the mat to the right. As you approach the mat to bowl, do so from the rear left."
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