In the year 2020 when the CoVid 19 virus scorched the earth and closed Lawn
Bowls Clubs the individual`s love of their sport has place "Stay-at-Home" Armchair athletics on the Internet searching for new articles or information on Lawn Bowls.
Yes there are a few countries which have returned to the Greens like Australia and New Zealand and a few social media sites like Australian Lawn Bowls Facebook which streams 2020 Championship games, but the most common Lawn Bowls watching has been the "Friday RePlay" of extremely good past Championships on Club`s Facebook.
I speak of Capitalistic Sports Information because with the Internet in almost everyone`s home the Search for Lawn Bowls instruction other than Learn-to-Bowl videos on Youtube is almost impossible.
Depending upon your browser and it`s "search structure" you may never find that specific sport information you thought to seek out; without hours of searching or investment into a on-line service. I use the word "Capitalistic" to describe the information we are seeking is because websites and social media structures are build and maintained for one big purpose -- "to make money". Yes from obvious things advertising to the less obvious "Cookies" data collection. These things are what drives and give our results in the first choice of your search engine.
An example of such surfing and searching, I started with a good point of depart. The web page of a great Coaching icon. Lachlan Tighe Bowls and with an interest in his notes on mental development for the athletic. A small reference which Lachlan had written when in 2012 to 2014 he was Head Coach for Bowls Canada.
He speaks of reading the works of Anders Ericsson on "solitary practice" as a method of developing the top athletic perfection of their skills. ( Mr. Ericsson a psychologist who was reconize for his research into the skill development of experts)
Searching for"solitary practice" on an Microsoft EDGE browser gave me the introductory description of "A solitary practitioner is an individual who chooses to practice their spiritual faith in the privacy of his or her home or other designated space, without the need to participate in a group such as that of a Wiccan coven". obviously to general so I then modify the request to "Solitary Sport practice".
This finds 3,040,000 results and mainly based upon two Search criteria, I am in Canada, Canadian websites and "Sports Practice". Immediately I am suggested sites like Canadian Research in Sports such as SIRC (Sport Information Research Center) and it forums or topics and secondly suggestion of-sites on leadership or sport practices.
Obvious I need a more unique Search likes "Works of Anders Ericsson" which catch on the name "Ericsson" and reveals news of his death ( June 17 this year in Tallahassee Fl at the age of 72) and finally further down I find a few interlinks of his works and research with published results.
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Stats of Blogger Sept 2019 |
In a study by Cote,Baker and Abernethy published 20 pages on researching perfection by athletics under detail solitary practice which I will blog and review in the next few days as my future blogs for December tackle this subject.
We can see from the Blog Stats (photo at right) of Sept 2019 that there is a sudden increase in readership and the topic of concern was a 2015 blog "Being a Leader Bowler". Also we can see that the search was a search. This sort of information allow a blogger to choose their topics for future blogs based upon the interest of their reader base.
The photo (right) show my second dissatisfaction of the recent Capitalistic changes of the Internet. Compared to the previous stats (Above) this stat is useless to a sport blogger, I have been happy to leave my over 200 writings with which supplied me enough personal satisfaction to continue to write. But to, these detail statistics add no revenue to the company, so now the simple new stats show a graft increase from 28th Nov 29th of over 60 readers but no longer with reference . It is obvious that for blog writing, a new format of information is needed puts less value on the " save money" and more on the satisfaction of the contributor and the reader.As a blogger, my articles were based upon the statistics I received from and clearly identified my readers and the area of the world where the sport of lawn bowls is being developed. to the topic which the search had brought reader to the site and even less information now with no indication of the location of reader.
Maybe I will do like Mr. Tighe and build my own website. But than again, I am not a professional coach using my knowledge to write books; which are to be sold or using my website to obtain employment in some international bowls organization.
The need to make money by website owners means the Internet is not longer showing an interest toward the needs of the reader. Maybe we will soon see all these free information blog site began to charge us with an access fee. I have started backing up my nearly 200 blogs to my private USB and will begin printing a club coaching binder; but at 76 it may be my last project but I will continue to blog..
But for the rest of this CoVid 19 Shut-in period I will tackle Lawn Bowls on the Mental Performance and Subconscious Mind development. Ty 4 following
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