Sunday, August 26, 2018

ArmChair Bowls Critics

After Seven years and over 110 blogs on Lawn Bowls and various Aspects of our Sport;
"Using the Head" Blog Stats Aug 25th
I believe that the stats of the blog's Readership, ( nearly 32,000) indicate that this blog has a following of want to learn Lawn Bowlers.

What is best in reader's stat is what can be implied. On the 25th Stats the number of readers was less but several readers read several Blogs.  The list of recently read Blogs show rhat 4 individuals read "Walking the Mat" and aspects of that topic and whether Bowls is an "Open or Closed Sport"

Photo (right) from website and reminds me that the rights of armchair critics has been fought and won by great critics of the past.  (joke) As I was here writing this blog I have missed the broadcast of the Canadian Championship. But because I went to twitter and saw that my neighbouting province has advance to Bronze and playing in minutes I am rewarded for the blog.  (which I announce on twitter)

This sort of blog readership suggest a demand which as always I try to bring forward and maybe today 4 years after the "Walking the Mat" blog, I should address. (Ex: I modified (updated) the blog Feb 2015 :Walking the Mat " to include the recent Mat movement Blog of this month which showed that we all can have bad habits. Of course I added a note to the blog which correctly suggest that "Walking the Mat" is and advance bowlers trick"

Update Aug/2018 - A recent 2018 blog on the fault of experience bowlers being overly dependant on a Delivery Line Reference  during their delivery instead of seeing in the "Mind's eye" where their bowl will go needs me to make clear how this trick helps experience lawn bowlers with their delivery line  If you bowled to roll the jack and passed within inches and you know your properly delivery line; maybe the missing of the jack was because of a small hill or valley which changed the bowl line.  If you do another instinctive delivery the bowl will pass the same place as the previous one.  By walking the mat, (opposite side of missed jack) and double the missed jack distance you will hit the jack this time because the change in your bowl's roll has been adjusted.  (Why double ?? Because your skip will tell you the distance from the bowl to the edge of the jack.  You want to hit the jack in the center to add a few inches in your stepping the mat)

The photo from that Blog of Andrew Thompson of England taken as a Screen capture

from the 2015 Potter indoors Single Final show much which an Armchair critic can see and learn.  I choose the photo because Andrew is placed on the far back corner of the mat.  But remembering that these indoor bowls players have ideal conditions and draw within inches of the jack on their first delivery; there are style points to be learn.  The two hands on the bowl which is on the mat has several reasons.

  First, He does not look up at the jack once he has moved into his delivery stance.  This means his bowl delivery line is in his "mind's Eye and he know from his stance what his delivery line will be.  (A bowler using a point of reference must always be checking his line) We teach.. Step into your line of delivery and do a smooth delivery, which means looking where your line of delivery would be. Also notice the bowl on the mat  Pre-Delivery Routine.
Aron  Sherriff (Aus)
From an earlier blog on "Pre-Mat Routine", We find this same style with Aron Sherriff and a lot of younger bowlers from Australia and New Zealand.  Why.? Hold your bowl arm out in front and it may be found to be anywhere from shoulder to middle body placement.
We should all be on the web looking at the instructive videos from Australia. Some are very good and if you think what is being taught as to what you hear; much can be learned.

Why mention this in Arm Chair Critic type of blog ?  Well, when I look at the blog stats and answer some of the comments which readers pose or correct me;  I am happy to have contributed.  Most of the 188 twitter followers who read this blog are great bowlers. I follow almost 1000 lawn bowl clubs or players and try to re tweet interesting information as it arrives. (handle @Springhiler)  One day soon, I am now 73, I will be called to play my bowls game in Heaven and while there will be happy to look down at some great bowlers who took time to read my blog and applied it.  

It may seem a small thing to watch and comment how a player"s style is  with the second arm being used as a Guide of " Bowl Arm Placement" but maybe now  you have a consistent starting point for your Delivery . This older style of preparation of the bowl is also seen by the style of Robbie Dobbins but a bit longer arm extension.  Starting with your bowl arm in the same position always.

Also on a indoor bowls surface a bounce of your bowl, even only a few inches will remove a lot of the weight so the on the mat pre-delivery style is common and even used here in Canada during outdoor bowls. 
When watching a bowls game there is much you can see and then ask the question why./ 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Learning from Blind Bowls

Do you look up the Green for a point on the Back Bank as Line for your delivery ?  Well you must get beyond that if you have been bowling for a few years. Otherwise, you will never know the use of this as a "Reference Line" in your "Pre-delivery Routine" or part of your "Post delivery Feedback". You should do your Delivery following a line which through years of experience, you know will place the bowl on the Jack (kitty) as a visual delivery line.

Photo (right) of John Tiplady's (of Chalkie) is for a
YouTube  - How to find your Point of Aim
suggestion of  how to find your Aiming Point in his YouTube video of "Aiming Point in Lawn Bowls" . His trick of finding the "Point of Aim" creates two lines to the back bank  (or edge of the green) reference.

Many aspects of  Lawn Bowls and their relatives Games have  teaching points where you learn and advance beyond the  reaching and other method you learn as a Beginner.

Petanque, the French game related to Lawn Bowls game  has taught me to do a Petanque Finish when necessary. Have  you had two or three shots in the head, as you go up the green  to the mat and then the opponent skip  draws his  bowl in for shot.  In the game of Petanque the tactic for the  next to play players would be to take that ball (bowl) out and  recollect the previous points.  (Also this shows the need for a 2nd bowl in the head and teaches that having shot is not as good as cutting  the point in the Head)

A very good friend who bowled out of Australia in the top of the players discovered that his eyesight was slowly going and he decided to remain active in Lawn Bowls; becoming a VI (Visually Impaired) Bowler. He was, as most players who discover they are going blind , qualified as a B4 or a B3, meaning he see some things but not  all that clear. ( similar to tunnel vision or other aspects of  slow lost of one's sight). Of course, he must realize that eventually he will become a B1 or B2 VI bowler and not see anything at all. (B1  is in total blackness, B2 can have Day/night awareness)  Bowling as a B3 he sees the players and maybe even sees the jack on a sunny day, but he must learn to bowl like a B1 VI Bowler and use his limited vision as a reference and help.  (ex: A totally Blind "B1 VI bowler has difficulty pointing their body up the "Jack Line", while a B4 or B3 probably see white of markers, the jack and even  players dressed in white which will help to indicate the direction of the jack)
Photo with Bias Swing and Center Line

As a Visually Able bowler we see objects as a "reference Point" for our delivery. The above Photo from YouTube has a video camera off line but whe we see when the Center Line is (inserted black line) we see that the Bowls Bias Swing , out and back to jack, is almost the same distance between Light Posts.

When we first learn to Lawn Bowl  the Club Coach would suggest several methods of finding and using you "Delivery Line".   As in the photo, if  we aim at a point on the backstop or surrounding area (bench leg,etc) and the approach sides of the green are true..(no strange movement) the same "Reference Point" will put your bowl on the Jack (If the Mat is at the same position).  But what happen if the mat is moved or the Jack is knocked of center ?

Sometime to show the bowls bias, the coach will place a coin on the green and suggest you bowl over or toward that coin, and watch how your bowl comes back to center line. These two methods are teaching basic but also are developing the "Reference Line." which will give you the "delivery Line" of the bowl.   Myself, I point my toe of my mat foot toward the jack and then with the "V: of my feet as I stand in a balance stance; I delivery my bowl on  my delivery line. (Of course I change the foot  when I am used a Backhand delivery )
Drake Bowls Bias Chart

However, after you have bowled for a few years, and  especially with always the same bowls; we began seeing in our "Mind Eye" (imagination) the line that our bowl must take to get to the jack or our requested position in the Head.

When coaching a new bowler, I usually do a early (really early) morning training session  to show this  "Delivery Line" in the morning dew.  I say. "Your reference line will give you the point of aim but eventually you will have to imagine the line of your bowl, the same as the line you now see on the green"

This is a perfect time to also explain the various parts of the bowl "Rolling " or "Delivery" Bias Line,  as it goes up the green. (the straight line, the shoulder,  the bowl's Bend and most important, the Finish). Of course, the speed of the green will affect each section of the Bowl's Bias Roll. (Believe it or not on a smooth surface, (club tile floor) there is not straight, shoulder or Bend section to the bowl's bias roll and only the Finish of the Bias. The bowl will make a small circle. On a really fast green the Straight portion  of the bowl's roll also does not exist and the Shoulder will go from the Mat to nearly 2/3 the rolling distance. (Similar to the white bowl line in the Drake Pride photo)

What does this Delivery Line have to do with Blind Bowls ??   Earlier, I mention that the newly losing sight Blind bowler will see up the green and will  use his partial sight for his delivery.  But if he does not learn; or is not taught, how to bowl all aspects of  being a Blind Bowler; he will eventually have less and less sight and finally abandon lawn bowl because he no longer can get a satisfactory performance. (because he is dependent on his B3 visual support which has been lost as his sight continue to be worst)

   Now, today, I see  a great competitive bowlers who should now have a "Mind's Eye" view of their Delivery Line; but is still  (totally or not) dependant on using their "Reference Line"as his Point of Aim. At this point in his career, he should  know and see the bowls bias and his bowl's delivery movement line. He should only be using the "Reference Aiming Point" for Pre-delivery and Post-Delivery data or evaluation. (knowing if  his last  bowl was well delivered)
Mat placement quite a bit from Ditch

This weekend I did a big money Tournament and in my  first game, my opponent skip who often represent the province at the National competitions was heard  being told by his lead " I am using (something on bank).... as line and that spot on the green is perfect  as a "roll over". This comment revealed to me a weakness of the opponent's team on which  I build my game strategy This dependency on a Line  Delivery point, works great if the mat is always at the same position.  Having previously won the "Coin Tose" and knowing this information at the  game's trail end, I began taking the mat out several meters and always collected points.  (Yes I won that game)

In any game, if the mat is at the same position for several ends the line and green defects are easily spotted.  But with the mat changing position every end, the opponent was usually wasting a bowl each end to discover the proper line.  My lead respected my suggested line and bowled well with effort for distance.  I kept the jack at her "Natural Distance plus 2 meters.  When the opponent got the mat, and placed it at the Mat-line and a long jack, it was my responsibility to get back the mat with a last bowl point.

So the point of this blog. ??.. We learn to bowl with tricks for line and weight of delivery, but when we use these tricks or methods which are suppose to be  a trick in teach to develop our personal style; we make our self totally depend upon these aids.  When during a delivery if we  have bowl bad we tend to go back to thinking that we had the wrong line; and not analysis what happen or think we are doing something wrong.

Remember, every time an opponent wastes a bowl looking for line or weight, this bowl not in the head or proper position become an extra point for you.  Unless bad luck happen  and the jack is moved to their "wasted Bowl.