Saturday, August 24, 2024

Making a "Good Lead" 1/3

 Bowls is like everything else in life. Baking a cake requires you to do the preparation which may require grocery trip, a kitchen baking session and finally a Cooking session. After the cooling of the master-piece is the final and most important aspect. The evaluation and approval and success.  Same applies at work where preparation for a meeting often depends upon the success of the meeting.

Like-wise Lawn Bowls require a preparation and even a Cooking Session (if you call a player's Games lost an experience similar to a bad cooking experience); toward the final creation of a great Lawn Bowler "Lead". 

Later when the Lead had gone on to become the skip at a National or International Competition after many years; their memory of such losts will at times influence a decision.  But all starts with the Preparation of a Lead to knowing the game and their potential as a team member and a player. 

Too often the Leads is put as the first player on a Lawn Bowls Team has been instructed with "Do what the Skip asks". A Lead is only as good as the teaching by the Club Coaches and their experiences during those first few years. One would say "Being Smart, or using your Head" would be good advice to a new bowler. But as they begin Club games as an  inexperience "Lead" they have a lot to learn. Of course, they are certain to not want to out guess the Skip' by doing the opposite of what is requested. Communication is important and a Lead should never be afraid to ask questions.  The "Lead" makes the mixture of bowls in the head which is the start of each end played.

 The role of the team's "Lead" is often as simply " Place the mat" and "Delivery the jack" with each new end of play. But the "Lead" is not always taught the important these two action in a  Lawn Bowls game.

Recently, yesterday, I skipped against another old-time skip and I asked him "Do you remember how we were taught to place the mat and measure if it was Legal ? " and added " Flip it over 3 times as you placed it ahead toward the matline ?"  Yes, that was the taught method of measuring the correct distance of the mat to be legally place 2 meters from the Ditch.  Today we see the "2 step - Mat down" method as those smaller players put the mat illegally and everyone accepts it.

 If a jack was thrown out-of-bounds would you simple put it back on center line or send it back to the mat for the opponent to place it ? O a"Short Jack" not over the Hog-Line?" and simply kick it a little further. NON that  "Oh it is ok, it is only a few inches  short or "out-of-bounds"?.  Why does a club and club coaches accept the illegal mat placement of a New member ?. 

Of-course, the rejection of an illegal mat placement can only be contested before the first bowl is rolled. But the leads in cooperation should accept that the player is in their first serious competition and help them. It is surprising to heard that lead say "I didn't know that". 

Recently, while playing a club game, with both teams  each having  new players as "Lead", yes even in a club trophy game; I explained that "A mat which does not have it front end beyond the "Mat Line" is legal and can be contested by the opponent skip and result in the lost of the jack".

 Why the club did not have "Mat-Lines drawn or why the new members where not taught really surprised me; but each club has different ways of club game play.  During the following ends of play, it did my game a sincere joy to see the two leads each help the others to place the mat correctly. 

After seeing it 4 or 5 times seeing this interaction of the leads,  I was so happy that after the game it was my treat to pay everyone their drink of choice. The above photo is from a  August 23 2024 Canadian Nationals photo and shows according to the rule book; the mat-line drawn and indicated with a "Matline Marker".

  Placing the mat is defined in the rules as being on the "Center line" and  being at or beyond the "Mat-line". Know these two terms (Mat Lines and Center Line) and their meaning is important.  Even if a club's decision that the Green does not have a Mat-line  marker on the side boards; this should be taught to all new bowlers.

 But I remember many years ago,  during "Governor Generals" as I was playing lead, my 3rd told the skip with a sign that the mat was illegal, After at least 6 times in our game of Triples he said to me "I don't know why Stephen does not contest the mat placement.  Finally, before last end of play the skip called for the umpire and a verification of the mat with a measure. With jack in hand, the skip asked our lead to throw a long jack which resulted in a gain of 4 points and  finally winning the game. (Was it good ethics to wait so long ? Rules are rules and should be applied always from minute one to the last bowl of the game.)

Centering the Mat before the jack is thrown is another important aspect of the jack throw. When the mat is brought forward several meters the "Centre line" can be hard to identify. So the "Leads in Learning" should be shown how to place the mat and then stand to the side while expecting the Skip to indicate that the mat in on  "Center Line" and then adjust it for a correct "Placement of the Mat". New members are shown how to "Center the Jack" after it has been  thrown up the green  but seldom are taught or shown how to let the skip "Center the Mat".

     Placing the mat where the skip has asked that it be brought forward , often finds that the skip will allows some freedom as to the choice of where the best place to lay the mat; as long as it is on "Center Line". ( before jack is rolled). Why ??

In the past when the use  of "Protective Screens" ahead of the mat was less important the lead was expected to do a wise  choice of  the "Receiving area" directly in front of the mat. The. "Receiving area" is that area of the green directly in front the mat where their team would be placing their bowls as they did their delivery.   In earlier years when less "Protective Screens" were being used the lead had a responsibility to find an area of the green in front of the mat without anyy inprefections (sand, worm holes or even debits).  

As a lead progressed into a level of competitions; they became aware of  many other thing about their teammates delivery. Their placing the mat might be different for how their team mate stand on the mat or even deliver their bowls. Also a left or right handed playing teammates may deliver to a different area of green infront of the mat.  Remember left and right handers roll their bowls 2 feet apart in distance (Shoulder distance) and can make a big difference toward a draw around a block or frontal bowl. 

As the player is taught to bowl they  also learn that some players will bowl from the "center-line"  as their first contact of bowl to green; while other players may be bowling their bowls in a standing on the mat which has the bowl arrive on the green nearly a foot  away from center line and more off to the "mat's corner". 

If the "receiving area" you have picked as lead (and even today will be covered by the protective screen) is always a smooth area of greens, then when their bowls are rolled, there is a good chance they will not be affected during those first few moments of Delivery. Every year as a Leads  learn more  about various choices their team mates make in a delivery; will result in them asking questions like "Why did you Walk the Mat?".   A lot more than just throwing down the Mat and the jack up the green. Many small details can affect the actual winning your game.

     "Rolling the Jack" means putting it where the Skip has asked for it.  "Unless, he says "Your Choice" which means to put it at a distance where you (the lead) can best bowl. Probably your "Natural Distance". Opps, I hope that the lead has been taught "Natural Distance" and know what it mean.

Don't try to second guess the Skip and decide the distance best for the team or best against the opponents unless the skip has given that instruction in the "Pre-game" instruction. Although, some competitive teams will allocate this decisions to the lead because the leads responsibility is to start a good Head, sometime "Your Choice" means.. "Where ever you can start a good Head". (Photo of a local Montreal Club in the early 20th Century) I used this photo to show that not always has greens been nice and smooth as we see them today.

The lead should practice to roll the jack to the distance requested by the skip. The skip depends upon this ability especially when at the end-game and end-strategy the "Jack Distance" may be what will win the game. Because the lead is the first to roll their bowl after the jack has been centered; they should always watch the Jack roll, and watch for its changes in direction especially as it arrives at the final stop. I was once playing an inter-provincal competition and the jack rolled left like a bias bowl finishing it roll indicating a slight indentation at that location.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Ethics of Bowls Good or Bad

With the Internet today, the Lawn Bowlers has a lot of opportunities to learn and make decisions on various aspect of their sport. There was a time in the past when black bowls and white cladded Bowlers was building an image of Lawn Bowls and Club Play.  At the time there was also a pride in "Respect" for your fellow players,  both club members and visiting bowlers.  

Ethics is more than how we doing things but also our attitude toward being respectful of the sport and others whom might make a mistake. (stats right show total views of blog approaching 100,000) over last 15 years)

 Opinions on what was right or wrong mattered. Last week, I was playing cards on a website and in the Lobby of the game tables someone accused someone else of cheating. Immediately, the host of the game wrote "In here we do not call anyone a cheater, another incident and you will be banded for two weeks". The individual attempted to explain but before more than a few words it was clear that the opinion was given was intended to show the event as cheating.

The host immediately wrote. "I will discuss this with you but because you did not respect my warning you will be banded from play for 2 weeks starting now" and the player disappeared. In the recent month I have been told three or 4 times "That is cheating" by another club member who did not know what I was doing. The event was not important but I was taught to measure close (millimeters) to the jack and if both bowls are so close then call for a measure.Do not touch the jack because if it moves you lose your bowl as point. What was important was members accusing others of something they had an opinion as not being correct.  The rules of Lawn Bowls are easily to understand and all players know what is right in play and what is not. "Foot faulting" is not defined as "that is cheating" but "it is illegal" or "it is not permitted".

This example of a Lawn Bowls Discussion on Ethics of counting the points is an example of "Respect"

A simple error made by a beginning player who is learning and more guessing as to if a bowl is a point or not to be counted. The interesting discussion brought a comment of  " I was a 2-3 year player at the time... and the other team's lead was a new player also". "I'm seeing that they have 6 counting bowls! But they are all back bowls so the other lead was focused on front bowls only so he signals 1 pt so I do the same. (We can argue the ethics later)"  Later in the discussion the author of the inquiry said "  The worst part of this question extends to being too quick to accept less points when you see other points that should at least be measured. and as said above " (We can argue the ethics later)" was answered by  the following comment "Ethics does not exist with arguments", There are Good Ethics and Bad Ethics only".

To further follow the discussion was "K.J Top contributor "Lost a tournament because of this. Once the count has been given, the end is over" and "  GT Top contributor "My understanding is that once both have agreed no change can take place. It would seem as though both agreed."  Yes this is the rule.

The author explained that he let the 2nd point be counted as he wrote "I did not answer the umpire when asked "Did both leads indicate 1 point?" and therefore let the 2nd point be counted as it is a club game and to me a learning for the beginning players".  

Also from the discussion came the problem when both leads indicated the point was for them and after the jack was removed the umpire asked that the game be replayed.  It is shown in the discussion that because of the time limit the question was that maybe the umpire should have allowed extra time .  As can be seen in the screen capture of the discussion group the comment given was "An umpire should not be adding any time to replay dead ends" but is this case a "dead end" or is it an error to be corrected.  

Regularly there are questions like this which are simply about Good Sportmanship, but Ethics is not just good sportmanship but also respect for mistakes which happen due to inexperience or lack of knowledge.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

1906 British Tour of Canada.

 Today, 10 years after writing the blog on the 1906 British Lawn Bowling Tour to Canada; a new interest has been forward as I send the original March 23 2013 (Saturday) blog link to Bruce St-Louis the president of  Bowls Quebec. 

At the time that the Ontario and West Ontario Bowling Associations  began organizing this 1906 Summer activity with the  International Bowling Board the decision was for a total of 8 rinks of bowlers. This was such an important event that Illoa Bowling Club gave Bailie George Cousin a set of Bowls tagged as " To Commemorate His Bowling Tour in Canada on 16th July 1906.

 For those with interest in this part of Canadian Bowls History which is available in the Canadian Archives for the reading; I will indicate a bit of which exists in the more than 260 Diary pages of the "The British Bowlers in Canada Diary". (internet archives) by Bailie D. Willox from Glasgow.

Following the Introduction and index, Author Willox states " that the event ..was the natural outcome of the Canadian Bowlers. visit.. two years  previously, (1904) when they played a series of games in different parts of the Kingdom. A strong desire was then expressed that a return match, or series of matches, should be played in Canada" (page 8).

On the 25th of October 1905 a letter to the various UK Lawn Bowling Associations stated " The International Board suggest that the four associations be represented, thus - Scottish Association by three rinks, English Associations by three rinks, Irish Association by one rink and Welsh Association by one rink."  and " The Ontario Association propose that the team leave this country about the beginning of July. The whole trip will entail seven weeks" or two months" absence". 

Following 20 pages of the diary listing the actual agenda for the planned two months of the Lawn Bowl's Visit to Canada, a 9th June 1906 letter to the travelling members stated " In regard to berths, I have arranged for 15 rooms on the saloon deck of the Virginian. You will see the numbers from the plan...which I sent you. You can quite easily secure one of the rooms for your family. Three will occupy each room , although there are four berths.  I note that you are taking your wife and daughter,and I shall be glad to have your cheque for  £15, (15 Pounds) the deposit of  £5 each which will have to be made to the shipping company"

The diary is well written as M. Willox who had done several writings and prose and even a romance ("Black Jock" (1903)); so those interested in reading the diary you can sign up for with a small donation for free borrowing to read  (photo below). The link above and photo is what I first discovered.

"Sunday, 22nd July (Page 38) This is a fine morning, and it does one good to be astir. There are quite a number of early risers here, and , of course, they all find their way upon deck to smoke and crack and move about.  or that evening " It became cold and windy towards evening and most of us sought the seclusion of our cabins. The head winds are telling against us, but the good ship manfully ploughs her way through the billows, trembling and trobbing like a child in pain" and then the following morning.

"The sea is a little lumpy, but not bad, even for a landsman. Our ship is making steady headway, and during the last twenty-four hours we have covered 378 miles." and further down we even find a cure for seasickness.  "namely, that a cloth wrung out of boiling water wrapped round the head tightly removes the sickness. There you are, ye sufferers from mat de mer. Of course I have not myself tested tis efficacy, not having been sick". 

With the crossing over as they reached Rimouski at 5pm on July 26th and Sea crossing chores completed and newspapers obtained, (Mail moved to a steamer for delivery up river to Montreal)

"A cutting from the Montreal Daily Herald dated the 24th July, and, as it deals with the all-absorbing matter of our tour, I give it in full. 

PREPARATION FOR ENGLISH BOWLERS  Westmount Enthusiasts getting their greens into shape .... Westmount green bowlers are busy o' nights preparing for the reception of their brother players now on the voyage from the old country to make a tour of the Canadian greens." 

"The local turf is admittedly in a wretchedly bad condition this season, worst probably than since it was laid. For this the Westmounters are, however, in no way to blame.  since the growing weather set in, in the spring, much time and labour has been devoted to getting it into shape, But so disastrously has the gurf been served by the remarkable weather of the winter, that the task from the beginning seemed almost a hopeless one."

"Sudden thaws and succeeding frosts had played havoc, and when the snow cleared, there are a series of bare patches that gave the enclosure more the appearance of a huge checkerboard than of a bowling green."  

"In the interval much has been done. For days the patient keeper worked laboriously picking out by the roots rank growths of grass that so plentifully showed as the springtime advanced; for days he sanded and rolled alternately, and played the refreshing hosepipe in long spells of drought."

"Last night many of the members, including Jimmy Wilson and Willie Brown spend much time with sand and roller eradicating lumps and testing the various rinks running both ways of the green. the heavy rain of the day had, of course, softened the turf very considerably, so that the effect fo the heavy roller was quickly apparent as rink after rink was operated upon and tested by the trial ends of  Messrs Brown and  Wilson".

"Today, again, the green-keeper is hard at work, and will be until the latest possible moment before the appearance of  the old country visitors on saturday, but all the same, these will find it a much more difficult proposition than they are accustomed to face at home, where keen true drawing greens are in order." (Page 47)

With such a description from the newspaper the Diary author wrote. " The reading of the foregoing had rather disturbing effect upon some of us, We didn't doubt for a moment the heartiness of our reception, but we wondered how we might acquit ourselves upon such greens as herein described, and under such conditions. No matter, we were bound to see it through, and, come victory or defeat, we would do the best we could to give a good account of ourselves."

And as for the next 20 or 30 pages with detail descriptions of Montreal in 1906 and the elegant Windsor Hotel  (pages 48 to 54) and each room described in detail as the Windsor was the biggest and finest of the Grand Railway Hotels. Also a lot of detail is given to the Westmount players and British. Ever earlier we find detail on the order and preparation of the outfits that were made for the trip and  social activities. The Diary is quite easily to read in these sections and a great look into Montreal in 1906.

Of course, the Diary has great sportmanship and appreciation of the Westmount Lawn bowling with "A word of praise is due to Mr. A.w.d.Howell who skipped No. 4 rink for Westmount, and his three partners. Playing against Mr. Telford, who is acknowledged to be one of the best skips in Great Britain, and who has won 12 international matches, the Westmount quartette gained the verdict by three points. Mr. W.Brown and his men are also to be commended for their excellent display."

As I am writing this for my fellow lawn bowlers here in Montreal I thought the following stories would also be of interest before going on to list the other clubs which were involved and documented in this diary,

Monday, August 12, 2024

Club Closing soon ??

A remake of a March 2013 blog about the future of Bowls as seen 10 years ago.  Never too late to re-evaluate our sport. The before and after photos.

Blog was updated (and re-dated) as the topic of Club's recruitment of executives and saving your club still is important to our sport.
 This blog was written years ago after I left  New Brunswick  for Quebec to spend time with family. 

The mention of rebuilding our club near the end of the blog was what we as seniors tried to do over two or three years. After building the club with a new clubhouse (city loan of a unused Tourist trailor) and storage building; and green improvement, we still were not getting the a lot of new membership. I know the sport (hockey) across the street was talking to the city about how the land of the Lawn Bowling Club would be better used (for Hockey and skating with a new Arena). Today the club is no more.

........................ August 2024 .......................... Photo of Riverside added ................

In Lawn Bowls when we speak of the "Head" it is usually with reference to the location of the Jack and Bowls during a game of play. However, another type of "Head" or topic is worth blogging about and deserves some mention. We must realize that every organization, especially the Lawn Bowls Clubs, needs a administration body as it "Head".  The Club executives and committees usual form the Head executives and are usually quite overworked. Yes, our sport is only a half-year sport in most countries; going from early summer to early fall (Mid-May to Mid-September)

    Recently I saw two interesting news stories on my regularly visited Twitter bowls site this week (March 2013).  One is of the Welsh Bowls Association Secretary Brian Rogers'  intervene into the closing of 6 clubs by the  Cardiff council as they suggested it as a budget cutting method. (below)  The second news story is about an idea to promote Lawn Bowls with the Bowl in One idea (see near bottom of blog)

This news article reads
 " THE meeting of Cardiff council to finalise its budget cuts it was decided to postpone the closure of six bowls clubs for a year.
This will allow in-depth negotiations to take place to find the best possible options for the clubs involved to become self-managed. The Welsh Bowling Association requests Newport council also to postpone its self-imposed deadline to allow similar discussions to take place. We do not recognise its estimate of £19,000 being a true figure for maintaining a green when it actually costs some £7,000. Had the clubs scheduled for closure opted for self-management on October 5, in practice it would have been very difficult for them to complete the process by the end of the month. So please delay the closures for several months and enter into a proper consultation process.  (signed by Welsh Bowls Association Secretary)

The Australian Illawarra's newspaper MERCURY 
 reads "The game involves rolling a lawn bowl down the green, aiming to sink it into the flagged hole.
"Even those who have never stepped foot on a green can easily pick up the game," Mr Jordan said.

"There were a couple of young guys up here who have never bowled and they jumped in and had a go, and loved it," he said.
Each week, the prize money jackpots until someone sinks the bowl in one roll. It's part of the plan to help the club's finance and to get back on its feet after being placed in a "Hold" administration last year. It is no longer in dire straits but it is eager to attract more patrons to the club. Bowl in One is rolled out on Fridays, from 5pm."

Building on this idea this suggestion is now added (August 12 2024). To help finance the next trip of our club members to an out of Province games I'm considering suggesting the following to the club president. 

How is it done?. It is possible to place a 1 ft high flag in the far corners of the green as at these corners we have about 1 meter square of green which seldom gets used.  Bowling Corner to Corner can allow for some fun choice of the "mat placement distance" rules. ( Example: Paying your $3 to play you can draw a playing card and move the mat up by the distance of that playing card number (1m to 13m). If there were several club members wanting to play, the highest card could be for the whole group. Now what do you win ?  Well a string at the bottom of the pole could allow 50/50 win of the cash (a 8 inches) of the flag.  And of course where the bar fee is $6 for beer or wine ; a 2nd mark on the cord could be at 18" and allow a winner his choice of  drink. Of course touching the flag pole or in the ditch is a "Miss" even if you are so close that it stops and touch the flag.

 How may bowls ?  Guess 2 if mat card is moved less then 8 meters closer or 2 bowls for anyone drawn card is red. The collected money is held by one player until the end of the game and evening bowling and used to pay the bar tab of winners of drinks and the 50/50 winner.  Half of the evening's profit is added to the next weekly pot and the other half  given to club executive  to  be held until the end of the period of finance. If at week's end no one has won the  (50/50) which is a building balance; it all goes  to the player (s) going on the out-of-town competition.  We must support these our club members who respresent us away from home.

When to play.  Suggest start with one night a week like Friday. Since we always play even evening at the club at 7:30 the game could also be played between 7pm and 7:30 for a larger pot and for those regular who like a glass after the evening game. A sort of Hole In One" for the pot and even with a close one  (18") for double your bet (get your drink).  (an idea build on this Australian newpaper) Update end.

Some of the Tweet's as  Remarks about the council closing the clubs were ( below right) Greens are closing all over the place. Will your be next ???
This is not new...happening all over the country and in every country which was strong in Lawn Bowls.
The truth is even inb my own area, we just lost a club when the town council decided the land could be better used for something else.

The problems are the same.  always the same doing all the work.

The same executives since several years and no new blood getting involved. It is always a "I have paid my dues,  and  I just want to play" or something like "Someone else can do the executive work!!  I'll done my share."

We all must work to develop our club. Become active and join a committee or even get involved in club promotion (coaching,sales, recruitment) or Maintenance.  The club closing tomorrow may be your club and the future of our sport is all our responsibility.

Updated  August 12, 2024  Springhiler  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Athlete's Stress

 Almost anything can be found on the net.  But luck means you know where to look. Maybe a blog from time to time can send my reader to the right portal of information.  So a summary of Stress in sport as defined by International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health 2015 .

As these past blogging years has been about the Mental Strength we need in sports and some tricks toward development  of mental skills in our Sports; I realize that often personal affairs in our life greatly affect our performance. With the Olympics now coming to a close and my sport of introduction to Mental Control (Archery) now giving good Canadian results; I spend more time teaching and writing about our Mental Strengths.

This article is of interest as "Stress" has a big effect on our "Focus". Especially when in the middle of our sport performance we just seem unable to keep it together. "Psychology preparation is a component that has been often neglected by athletes and coaches alike, studies have shown that mental readiness was felt to be the most significant statistical link with Olympics ranking. Athletes have frequently been quoted to state how the mental aspect is the most important part of one’s performance.". "Stress is defined as a physical, mental or emotional, demand, which tends to disturb the homeostasis of the body. It is an everyday part of life" writes Ashwani Bali in this 2015 article.

"Sports performance is not simply a product of physiology (for example stress and fitness) and biomechanical (for example technique factors) but psychological factors also play a crucial role in determining performance."   he adds.  One would say we live on the High of Stress during a good Competition but can we go into our sport without worries about the daily events which create a mental stress for us. It is certain that unless our mental health is strong the family events, or other elements of life do and will affect our performance. We must have the strength to remain "Focus" and Concentrate.

"However, every athlete has a certain stress level that is needed to 

optimize his or her game. That bar depends on factors such as past experiences, coping responses and genetics. Stress during sports, as in anything else in life, may be acute, episodic or chronic"  How does stress affect Performance and the studies of study of Stress by the Yerkes-Dodson Law is expressed in the Stress Response Curve. Seems as Stress increases in competitive activities that the point of eustress, or healthy tension builds.

"As stress begins to be perceived as overwhelming or excessive, the person reaches a fatigue point wherein the performance levels starts to decline. The ultimate end of overwhelming stress, called burnout, can be exhaustion, illhealth or breakdown."

This article deals with the Postive and Negative Effects of Stress and how we should see Management wheather in our sports or our daily life.Actually it shows Boredom with low stress and Health problems with High Stress and discuss various suggestions to confront Stress.

In dealing with Anxiety it discuss how "Anxiety is an essential ingredient of any competitive situation and without certain level of anxiety, there cannot be competitive performance. Neither too high, nor too low level of anxiety is conductive to sports performance."  Also for the athletic who has reached that level where he is visualizing his game and his opponent with each part of his performance it offers tips and controls against excess anxiety or stress  as we attempt our best performance.

Dealing with Tension the article 10 year old article (2015) says "Anxiety is an essential ingredient of any competitive situation and without certain level of anxiety, there cannot be competitive performance. Neither too high, nor too low level of anxiety is conductive to sports performance". Like any good scientific article it  offers "Tension Regulating Skills" suggesting that  " An athlete’s tension level in a particular competition generally consists of two parts: 1. his basic tension level (i.e. the average tension level when awake, in other words, the activation level); 2. and the situation rise in tension due to competition (i.e. competition fever equivalent of examination fever)."

And interesting read for Coaches and Athletes whom have reached this level of competitions.