Tuesday, August 27, 2013

CLBC in Vancouver

Having an opinion is what Blogging is all about. It is not that we know it all; but more we are openly expressing it.  I don't think any Canadian Lawn Bowler can not be proud of the Canadian Lawn Bowls Championship in Vancouver.
 First, the "Bowls God" was good to the Planners with sunny weather  and great greens and beautiful clubhouse gardens. And with Bowls Canada first attempt to go streaming video this year; 
.we all were able to see the beauties and even  watch great bowls from our living room. This was Canada's First experience  with Streaming Sports and the several commentators did a great job.  Thank You all who contributed. Especially now with these games are  available for download.
   First opinion or Interesting Facts .
In order to complete the roster of 10 teams per game play, some provinces like host province BC  were allowed to put in a second or "B" Team .  Amazing in some cases (BC's Case) the "B" team did better than the Provincial Roll-off Winners.  Ex: BC Men's "B" team did  1st ("Fours") 2nd (Triples n Pairs) with  the "A" Team drawing into a second last position.. Why ? Was the "B" The Runner-up ?

 Second, from my news sources, the meals and transportation were impeccable  however, remember that the  Cost of Transporting to the  CLBC across 5,500 km  is the major expenses to team members.  One must asks just important the getting-there-cost is  to the quality of the team which participated.
  Some Provinces with large funding helped (or paid almost everything) for their teams. While the teams travelling the farest (Maritime Coast) saw several  player foot bills of more than $2000 in transportation.  Taxi or car rental in BC not included.
   Quebec who in the past has been a strong province, placed last in nearly all game structure. I would ask if this Financing had any part to do with it.   I hope a lot of clubs use the Game video to teach and upgrade their quality of club players, and their Provincial Lawn Bowl representatives at the National.  Not that they weren't the best.. They were.. but some provincial teams seems to have gone like the new Canadian National  Singles... Anyone could go if they want to and paid their way.

- Thirdly, the introduction of "Triples" this year at the CLBC seems to be great for BC whom performed well.
And as the Nationals come across Canada toward Nova Scotia (East Coast) in 2016 we will see if the larger Nationals  and Provincial Financial Support develops or destroy our great Sport 
Players from the East return for immediately return to the Atlantic Nationals where NS. PEI and NB will  travel to Quebec for four days of  Triples and Pairs.   Good thing about this travel is that this is within driving distance even if a good 12 to 14 hours.
 The development of Lawn Bowls in Eastern Canada, ( Quebec east) has seen the Atlantic Lawn Bowls Competition (Photo is Atlantic 2012 Moncton N.B.) played every year in one of the 4 Eastern Provinces. (Newfoundland which has a Lawn Bowls club can not participate because of the cost of travel.. Ferry from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland can be over $500 just for the car per trip) Newfoundland, with a Provincial Association has seldom send CLBC  respresentives although they have always had a successful Blind Lawn Bowls athletic at Blind Bowls Nationals.

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