Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Blogs Gathering List

Today, 29 December 2024, the U.S 30th president Jimmy Carter passed away at age 100. As I approach my 80th birthday in a couple of weeks I realize that not all of us can leave a legacy like that  of Jimmy Carter but each of us leave something.

I have decided that following my Birthday on January 20th, instead of continue to write blogs; I’m going to attempt to group the present 155 blogs into a List depending upon their sport and the general topic. I will update those that are regularly view and although 20 visits a week is not a lot it means the material is appreciated.The blog's subject matter has always (often) been on sports and a list will allow a visiting reader to find what they want quickly.As I am grouping them in reference to their basic topic it will be possible for me to update them at the time. (any blog title with a .... has been updated.

Over the last 10 years of blogs for Lawn Bowling, or suggested Coaching instructions, the sport athletes which are at a competitive level, in their development can see this gathering of blogs as my legacy. As I wish to finish it quickly and return to similar topics is 2025; I  reach out to the 100,000 readers of my blogs over the last 10 years for their patience. I shall return to the advance training topic as quickly as I can and if health allows me.

Topics of Blogs

 -  Level 4-5 Coaching

-  Muscle Memory

-  Subconscious interaction and Coaching

Blog Under updating today

2024 - November 29 - La pensée inconsciente a la Pétanque    In evaluation and waiting for  French correction from Professional athletics.

2024 - October 24 -   Subconscious Mind in Petanque    This blog discuss the athletic's performance and development beyond the local competitions and suggests the perfection of mental disciplines. It also explains detail type of training an athletic would receive from a "Competition" or "Inter National" level coach.  Actually, watching Lawn Bowls in Australia we often hear the athletics speak of mental displinces they worked on in preparation over the past year leading to their International success.    Finished in Dec 2024

This suggest the value of Sport Psychoogist in advance coaching of competitive athletics. Not just the stress or need for concentration but several aspects of mental health and post competition development for the athletics. This blog is being updated after the "Subconscious Mind in Petanque" because where it gives an example of a great athletic's major change in performance as he attempts something new. I believe many athletics find that the absence of professionals to help them as they progress and attempt to maintains their top position in their sport. 

2024 - September 27 - Talking to the Subconscious Mind 1/2  A Lawn bowls Blog about using "Memory Data" like the rolling of the Jack and watching it to allow the subconscious mind to know the distance of the jack which can be up to 30 meters away. Also what is involved between thinking of the change you want and communicating to the subconscious  of how to do the change; always just prior to "Muscle Memory" performance. These two International Lawn Bowlers each have their own "Tell" of their communication with the subconscious; but each are still visualizing the roll to their bowl with "Memory Data" and if not feeling it is the right "Memory Data"  being used then they do a retrieval of another.

2024 - October 23 - Talking to the Subconscious Mind 2/2  Sometimes when the subconscious does not have the data it needs to return a proper result of a sport performance it will invent its data from "Memory data" This blog deals with such an example when an athletic which was preparing to go to the World International competition was tricked into seeing something which did not happen.  (January 8,  working on the blog as a cleanup and check of videos) 

Blog Notes (Added or  personal suggestions)

 In France there is a "3 level" FIPJP Petanque coaching structure and France has produced great athletics who had learned the sport in the first years of schooling. But as to a "5 Level" (or more) structure which is common with other major sports there is still a big development needed in many countries. Sport Psychiatry and mental health is slowly in the development and  with time it will provide the answers to athletic at international competition; which often leave many great athletics not wanting to continue with their career and training.

For most of the material in this blog, it was intended to show a bit of the " Level 4" and "Level 5" instructions to athletics.Although I am not at that level of coaching my own youth and competitive history saw in Archery a major development. Today, Canada's Petanque Federation in Montreal is working to reconize  that it was not just athletic's performance but also their mental health and training  that builds a world class athletic. The athletics of today become the coaches of tomorrow.

The second reason,is now being addressed this year with an effort to have International officials beginning to use the often seen  "yellow" and "red" cards for  rule enforcement. Also a "green" card is expected to be introduced to be use as a "Time out" option for the team . (Players have a 1minute Play rule). Our Canadian team to the World Petanque Competition did well. (13th position in Competition of Nations, I believe) but with out a Canadian coaching structure, our athletics end up being  accompanied by a previous World Petanque athletic. With a better developed "Coaching structure" for their sport, our Canadian participants can even see funding and eventually the podium. 

Also in Canada, if funding for such world competitions is to be found it is often provided by agencies which studies the possibility of the athletics making a great performance. Also our Federal (and maybe Provincial) funding  is based upon the Team coach history of success. In sports like Soccer not only are 5 or more levels of Coaching, but also each of the these level sometimes have a "C", "B", and "A" classification of competence and even  now we are seeing a bit of support from sport psychiatrist.

2024 - November 29 - La pensée inconsciente a la Pétanque - The french "Google Translated" of Subconscious Mind in Petanque. Published in late 2024 but waiting on a french language edit and correction by the Canadian Petanque Federation. (for their members whom are mainly French)

2024 - December 7 - Talking to the Subconscious Mind 1/2  Note on announcers.  In any sport being streaming on the World Wide Web (WWW) the knowledge of the announcers is important to the education of the viewer. In the exampe video we find the announcer freely critizing the style of one of the athletics. But as per the blog when you know the mental work being done by the athletic to perfect their delivery you reconize how we must work to upgrade our sport announcers.  ...Working on it   now January 7 2025.  (Update and verify videos available).

Note:  January 2,  2025

 What is a Sports Psychiatrist(from www.forbes.com as written June 8th 2024 by Brooks Choulet, M.D. a Concierge Sports and Performance psychiatrist).

"Sports psychiatrists often work with athletes individually and with sports teams or organizations. When a sports psychiatrist is brought into a professional sports team environment, they often provide a multitude of services, including education, workshops, policy development, emergency action planning, and individual services. Treatment interventions for athletes can include medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle modifications."

Brady Howe, MS, ATC, CSCS, former VP of Health & Performance for the NBA Phoenix Suns, in describing the importance of mental health programming and policy development that a sports psychiatrist brings to teams and organizations; says  “With an endless array of psychological obstacles athletes and coaches experience in their pursuit of greatness, having an experienced sport psychiatrist helps team members focus, build resilience, and sustain high levels of motivation, ultimately optimizing performance and consistency,” 


Lawn Bowls

-  Tags and Tells

-  Federations of Sports

Other Sports




Strange Non-Sports

Greens Maintenance Tools

History of this Blog

History of Blog Cleanup 2025

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