Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Player's Mind Game abuse

Head Games can and are part of the Lawn Bowls, but they should not be passed as an  abuse of individuals whom are not mentally strong.Some people love the game but simply are slow mentally.  This weekend, I was very upset by individuals playing in the "head" of my skip who has a very simple outlook on life.  These comments, allow for verbal abuse to be badly digested and even throw my skip, who lacked personal control,  into a rage.
  Head Games such as over excitement for a great shot, are acceptable because they allow the bowler to feel good about their shot.  Saying.. "Yes, Yes,  you got shot" when a good draw does not gain the point but nicely in the head;  does not hurt anyone.  Encourages your bowlers with pride is good, and if the opponents are listening and taking the comment as truth it teaches a lesson. "Don't believe everything the opponent skip says.
    Even acceptable is "Rule Head Games" which reminds the opponent skip of his responsibilities.. Like "neighbour green infringement" rule. Sometimes. these rules indication comments, help improve the game and teach players to respect the opponent when they are on the mat.  No-one should be walking up the neighbouring green (un-occupied) if a bowler is on the mat. 
   In the second day of tournament play, the opponent skip got chatting and complaining with my skip about his movement and excitement.  Yes he dances around with a good bowl or reacts badly with an opponent takeout.  But to push that emotional upset by insults like "Stop being like a spoiled kid" or other provocation is bad.. If such comments are only to provoke a reaction, it shows a bad sportsmanship on the individual saying it..   After our Skip's hurt and upset reaction we lost two games, because the 2nd game skip from another province continual to work his emotions,,  Yes that 2nd end mind game lasted 2 games and resulted in a warning from the umpire to our skip... (He was boiling mad for 4 hours, because others got onto the case of his swearing when he first got mad) No he should have more control.. $50 fine is good for this.
   When, in the second game with a different province, this new skip continued to work his nerves with comments on the bowls of his players,it kept him wound up. In another provincial tournment, I saw the same with the chat between ladies on the bench where the mind game created an division between skip and his players; to the point that they almost did not come back to finish the tournament..
  To win Silver for the next two days of play, I as lead,   had to continually go to the head (following my bowl) after my third bowl and chat or relax my skip. This was not bad as it educated my mate how to go up the green during the game without lost of time and watching neighbouring greens bowlers on the mat.( according to a respect for this liberty and rules.  But we discovered that if our skip was alone in the head, even if noone talked to him, he  made himself upset with everything previously said between skips.
   I discovered, through conversation,  This attitude, mostly jealousy of great shots he is able to make, comes from his club but has spread through a natural attitude (toward him) from  neighbour provinces. Of course only in large competition games.  In this manner, the visiting province of Quebec with their gentleman attitude toward bowls stood out like a shining light.   Of course, we know when we see a gentleman skips who run their game with a great degree of pride and ability     If a blind person makes a great draw to the jack, Yes we have a blind gold medal winner who plays with us visual, Be proud and always have a compliment.  If the individual is not 100 percent alert then keep the mind games out of Lawn Bowls.
Yes I will be honest here... What started with a local club as a manner of head games, has spread to skips who may not have previously been inclined to use "Mind Games".  If they can't win on they ability to bowl maybe they should learn to lose a few games.

1 comment:

  1. The Blind Bowler was mention because mentally weak individuals are as much a handicap as being blind or in a wheelchair. Lets accept and encourage these individuals into our sport.
