Thursday, September 6, 2012

Triples Team Practice.

How does one practice with team mates for a Triple Competition. Of course, you want to a practice which imitates actual play of two bowlers (leads) on the mat; and the mate and skip practice with a head full of bowls.
   If the practice was such that each bowler draws to the jack, the lead would be bowling into a full (5-6 bowl) head and the skip/mate would be bowling into an open or empty head.
Also, as the skip or mate or Lead attempts to do a certain shot, it is good to have that extra bowl to retry that wanted shot after trying your three bowls and now knowing the mistake.
Also, all three players should be at the mat, because, they can discuss the options, the errors and even suggest solutions.  During the game, the skip is master, but during the practice, the communication of all three players develop communication and respect of each.
How  to practice ??
 First, we  need two players on the mat as leads if the lead practice is real.  The lead throws the jack and the first bowl to the jack. (an open jack for lead bowler). The mate bowls as a opponent lead for two of his bowls. and after the leads third bowl (triple normally have 3 bowls) the Lead now uses his 4th bowl to correct his shot.  Guard, close draw, or better read the green
    The Mate and skip now bow as opponent skips, My skip attempting to keep the point which his lead has left on the jack.  and the mate as the opponent skip attempting to remove or capture the point. 
    Both the Mate and Skip also has their 4th bowl to try to do that shot which they missed or want to re try. 
    This is the best I have seen for 3 player to practice each their position and communicating the teams strategy or method of Play.  Try it and see if it does not fit your needs

1 comment:

  1. I will be playing on a novice triples team this coming 2015 season. Could you write something about team signaling that our members can learn over the winter. Thanks from the Greenbowler.
